What are the dreams in your heart?

by | Dec 14, 2022 | 0 comments

As you start setting goals and intentions for the coming year, I recommend changing your perspective on how to go about it.

Often, we look at what we want to accomplish; for instance, “next year, I am going to do XYZ.” Common goals people have is to exercise, eat less sugar, and lose weight — you know the list; they are goals we left behind from years past.

These goals are good intentions that, when fulfilled, bring us a better life experience.

What are the dreams in your heart?

But how about changing it by honoring your heart and asking, “What is longing within?” How you will know is to remember the thoughts and ideas that linger and have (up until now) been unfulfilled.

Perhaps your longing is to have a deeper relationship with your significant other or find that special person in your life.

Maybe it is a change in career because you’ve reached a point where going to work is not fun and fulfilling anymore.

You can also desire better health to have more aliveness, energy, and vibrancy.
Or some of us have childhood dreams that never came into being because we were told it was impossible.

Getting clear on what you really want

What whisper are you hearing from your heart? Allow your heart to speak and list what is emerging within you.

This exercise brings a little fear in us; at least, it does in me. And when I think about my dreams, some may seem impossible to reach.

But I know they would not be in my heart if they could not manifest. Bob Proctor used to say, “If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.”
What are the dreams in your heart?

Some of us have shut off that part of ourselves, and we find it hard to connect with our heart’s calling. Yet, the dreams are still within. It may be time for a long nature walk, silent meditation, journaling, or whatever helps you open with vulnerability and hear the whisper in your heart.

Listening opens the door to deciding

The good news is that you can decide your next steps once you listen. Listening does not mean you have to act, although there is magic when you take bold steps.

Why not place one or more of those dreams on your bucket list for the new baby year that is ahead?

Bringing it to the forefront, you can set your intentions for its manifestation and start walking in its direction. My mentor, Mary Morrissey, reminded me, “Baby steps will take you all the way up Mount Everest.”

I have found that this exercise brings you closer to your authentic self and aligns with your values.

For instance, if you followed a career path because it was logical and lucrative versus what your heart is calling you to do something different, then you will continue to struggle as you continue down a path that is not feeding your heart’s desire.

Your discontent is translated into the resistance you feel, the thoughts that make you want something different. It feels like there is another part of you wanting to make changes when the logical, responsible part of you refuses.

Your paradigms will rise up and object

If you are hearing a voice in your head that says, “You’re too old for this?” “What makes you think you can do this” “You are doing just fine; why change now?” This voice is keeping you safe. It does not want to experience change.

When you follow a different path than the one you are used to, fear will rise because it is unfamiliar territory, not because there is something to fear. It is your nervous system warning you that new things are ahead — that is all!

Ultimately, now you get to choose how to proceed, as bringing these dreams to the forefront will allow you to evaluate what is important in your life.

Being is the answer

A good friend told me today, “Remember who you are instead of focusing on what to do.”

This was a great reminder to concentrate on BEING who you are meant to be as an alternative to focusing on our to-do lists.

Because by being authentic, you will be led to do what you must do.

P.S. You may have found this exercise conjured feelings to follow your heart and go for your dreams. And now you wonder, what is my next step? How do I even get started? I can help you find clarity and the next steps. Let’s get started with a FREE Discovery Session.

And if you cannot connect with your dream through the exercises I recommended, I have tools to help you obtain the clarity you want. One of my dreams is to help people realize theirs, so please, let’s connect.

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