Follow your Intuition

by | Feb 10, 2022 | 0 comments

“Go to your heart, it has secrets you don’t even know about. Go to your Soul, there is an unfolding of good trying to erupt through you. Go into the sacred silence and hear the whisperings of Spirit.” ~ Dr Rev Michael B. Beckwith

Follow Your Intuition

You’ve experienced it – you think something that on its face does not make sense. Thoughts like “bring your umbrella”, “take a different road”, or “check your phone”. Hearing these messages from your voice within doesn’t make sense to your logical mind, and later you find it was your intuition communicating. Discovering that there was unexpectant rain, or a back-up on your normal route, or you just received an important text from a loved one makes you aware of the voice in your head as a guide.

Since it is a guiding force, why are not you listening to it? Intuition is one of our mental faculties that helps to point the way. We have learned to trust our five senses, and part of aligning with Spirit is trusting Intuition.

Learning to trust it

Recall a recent situation that did not turn out well and recollect whether your intuition tried to ‘warn’ you. Did you have a dreaded feeling, a dense sensation on your gut, did your inner voice tried to get your attention. Remember a time when you listened to your inner wisdom, perhaps a time when you had a sneaking feeling that something was not right, and later it was affirmed. Or a time when you were sure you knew that things were going to turn out a certain way, and sure enough they did. Has Intuition ever let you down? It is an intelligent system within that is there to guide you, it is in your corner. I invite you to experiment and get to know that part of yourself, to trust it, to listen to it. Bob Proctor said “Your soul knows the geography of your destination. Listen to the voice within.” By tuning in and listening you will grow, you will feel a pull to your becoming.

Developing it

Pay attention to the nudges, when do they appear? Is it first thing in the morning, or while you are quieting yourself before bed? Perhaps, you are inspired when taking a nature walk, gardening, or you have a dream. Your inner is always available, and as Rumi said, “The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” That is one of the reasons meditation is so centering, it is a time when you can quiet the noise in your head and hear your inner voice guide and provide answers. It is a practice to develop, the more you do it, the easier you will connect.

Listen to your body

Part of becoming more intuitive calls for shifting your relationship with your body, see it as your transactional vehicle with intelligence that provides feedback as you walk with life. It has the intelligence to tense up your muscles when it foresees danger or the unknown. To give you shivers or goosebumps when it hears something inspirational. And make you feel a nagging feeling in your stomach in response to what you are supposed to do. Also reacts when you tell a lie, such as telling someone you are “great” when it is simply not true. It is a perfect system connected to your subconscious mind that stores all the information about you. It is so fine-tuned to the energy that it encounters, that staying awake to the signals provides more information to make better choices, better decisions.

Recognizing its awareness

If you’ve ever lost your keys, wallet, or misplace your glasses, or phone, you probably set out in a panic. Behaving in such a way turned up disruptive noise that does not allow you to find them until you settle down. Next time, instead of panicking use your intuition to find your possession. You can recover them by sitting still, believing in your source of intuition, inhaling from your nose, exhaling from your mouth slowing thereby activating the parasympathetic part of your nervous system connected to your right brain, and asking the question in your mind. Then quietly waiting for the answer to appear. I’ve found both my keys and glasses in this way. The more you explore, practice, and use your inner wisdom, the more aware you will become of its power as you begin a journey of trusting your intuition, trusting yourself as you walk with life.

Lifework Invitation . . .

Here are a few suggestions that can help you get in touch with your intuition.

Observe the silence – get quiet, breathe as suggested to calm your nervous system and think of something that you are grateful for, and observe the silence. What are you hearing? When you ask a question, what are the answers that come?

Practice meditation – there is a great app called Insight Timer that at no cost provides mindful practices like meditation. This is a great way to start quieting the mind.

Listen for the nudges that you are being given and experiment. Follow the nudges and see your life unfold, leaving control behind by letting God, and letting go.

Spend time in nature and ponder on the decisions you are considering. Allow that energy flow nature brings to breathe inspiration into you with thoughts and ideas. A journal is handy for this exercise so you can jot down what comes up, then you can evaluate.

Engage in more right-brain activities like movement, art, music, drawing, having fun.

Commence the practice of making decisions on feelings; start small so you can build your trust muscle with your intuition.

Stay open to the opportunities that come up, resist the knee-jerk reaction of “no, I won’t try that something new.” By staying open and allowing those opportunities to come into your life, you are saying “yes” to life’s flow and Spirit is part of your intuition and flow.

Word of encouragement – it may not seem natural for you to move in this direction, there will be voices of opposition in your head. Those voices are based on fear, the fact that it’s something new. Fear is closed-in, dense energy that must be banished to live a more expansive, fulfilled life. So, take baby steps to building a relationship with your inner wisdom and use it as a guiding force.

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