Living a Joy Filled Life

by | Apr 11, 2023 | 0 comments

In times of struggle, it’s difficult to find joy in life. Why not learn to create them and use them as needed as you navigate challenging moments?

Becoming more yourself brings a joy–filled life

I grew up in a very private family. We did not share what we were up to with others, even family members.

When Facebook became a thing, I did not join it right away. When I joined, it was to connect with my kids and feel closer to what they were doing.

It’s taken time to break those patterns of belief. I realized that they did not serve me and the work I love to do as a coach. I get to be public about my life now, which feels good.

It brings me joy because it allows me to stay close to my community for friends and family, despite the distance.

For instance, my dog Blu’s (aka Chiquina) 4th birthday is today. The old me would not have shared it on Facebook; the new me was happy to post about her.

Discovering joy–filled energy

You see, everything is energy. You are energy in the form of your human body. Your thoughts and feelings have an energetic frequency.

When you have sad thoughts, it displays your feelings. Likewise, when you have a happy thought, you feel happy. Your vibration is the state of the feeling you are experiencing.

Try it; experiment, return to when you were sad, and then notice your body. Does it react to sadness? You can go back to that time and feel that emotion.

And now, try thinking about a joyous moment in your life. The same happens; your body responds and feels joy.

While receiving chemotherapy and radiation treatments, I worked with my energy. And I set the intention of finding joy throughout the day.

That meant paying less attention to the disease and the treatments. Instead, I focused on my triumphs and moments of joy.

Joy–filled celebrations are made

One of the things that helped me do that is celebrating each moment. Not only the big wins but also the small ones. Like my daily walk, watching my dogs play, visiting my nurse and making her smile, writing my book, and so on.

One of them was drinking a daily dose of bone broth. (A way of helping my cells rebuild) I made myself do it every day despite not wanting to, so it needed to be recognized.

I found joy in honoring my creativity. Initially, I was drinking both, and that was not fun. So, I made different types of soups using bone broth. Changing its flavor had to be celebrated.

I want to show how you can create a flow of joy and celebration in your day. It is produced by the things that you make meaning of.

If you don’t think making a different type of soup daily or watching your dogs play is fun, then it is not going to be.

Henry David Thoreau said, “It’s not what you look at that matters; it’s what you see.”

It is about turning up the volume on life’s moments. The alternative was not fun. The option was sitting on the couch, paying attention to the side effects I was supposed to have.

The joy–filled answer to despair

I created higher energy frequency moments in my day during a time when most live on a lower frequency.

I’m a life coach with the tools to change the moment from dread and despair to celebration and joy.

You can too. Choose to celebrate your wins. You may be taking so many things for granted that can be observed.

Like sharing a phone call with your elderly mother. Or having the essentials (water, air, shelter, food). Perhaps even enjoying your five senses and the intuition guiding and nudging you.

You can do it privately or publicly, just set the intention to turn up the volume on life and find joy.

It’s like putting a magnifying glass to each moment and celebrating it for what it is. If you don’t make it a point to look closely, it will be an everyday moment in time in the busyness of your day.

Joy and gratitude are in the same energy frequency. It is difficult to feel miserable when you are in a grateful state.

Why not make it a point to create and find moments to celebrate and live a joy-filled life? As you embrace the habit, life’s difficulties can be transformed into joy-filled moments, despite the situations.

Want to learn more? Reserve your spot at my upcoming workshop.
Master Your Results & Live the Life You Love.

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