Feeling Stuck?
Have you ever had something to do that you kept delaying, and eventually, it was too late? I’ve been there, the little voice within told me to act, and I didn’t.
I allowed myself to be distracted. When I heard that voice, I answered,” I’ll do it tomorrow.”
I kept delaying, and “tomorrow” never came. And then it was too late because the window of opportunity only lasts so long.
Can you relate? The thing is, it happens to all of us.
That is why I am passionate about what I do.
I help people recognize moments like this. The ways of thinking and being that keep them stuck.
I want to share a tip that can help you get unstuck.
One of the things we often do when we are inspired to act is talk ourselves out of what we need to do because of fear.
Recognizing fear for what it is, helps us realize why we don’t want to act.
We are creatures of habit who do not like change. We want to stay in our comfort zone, and acting will take us out of it.
Even when we are in a horrible situation, like, hating our job or being stuck in a relationship. It is easier to complain and feel sorry for ourselves than to act.
In other words, we prefer being uncomfortable in an uncomfortable situation because it is what we are used to.
I remember when I knew divorce was the answer, and it took me years to get the courage to do it.
And I see this with my clients too. They are unhappy with their career and suffer through it instead of moving forward.
They don’t realize that, eventually, their unhappiness will carry over to other areas of their life. Their health and relationships start suffering too.
They don’t recognize that it all stems from one thing. Not acting on the thing that is weighing on them, the thing that is making them miserable.
They are stuck. The only thing that can get them unstuck is a decision. A decision to move forward with the change and get into action.
This is obvious to you, but while we are in the energy of despair, it is tough to see it.
You see, the Universe rewards action. When you decide and move forward with what you want. You start seeing things line up in your favor.
It’s like when you get in your car with a destination in mind, say the supermarket. Because you know where you are going, you are prepared with your grocery bags and your list, and start getting ideas on what else you need to buy. You are in the flow of your destination.
But if you don’t have a destination, you go in circles with no end in mind. You drive around in uncertainty and don’t get anything accomplished. You are stuck.
What is required for you to get unstuck?
It’s simple, yet not easy. You need to make a decision. Once the decision is made, you can move forward.
But there are times when that is not enough. Decisions are hard when you have to choose. How do you know what you’ve decided is right for you?
That is why I am offering a workshop at the end of the month that deals with fearless decision-making.
Even the best navigators ask for directions so, if you are ready to navigate change with a firm decision.
Save the date; my workshop will empower you with more tools to move forward in your goals and dreams confidently.
This workshop will help you get clear on your decision and stand firm on your destination, and learn how to deal with the fear that comes as you move forward.
Make the decision today, save the date, and register. I am excited to see you there.
Believing in you and your dreams!
Want to learn more? Reserve your spot at my upcoming workshop.