Feeling Conflicted

by | Dec 21, 2022 | 0 comments

What to do when you feel conflicted about something?

One of the most depleting energy suckers we make ourselves live through is when we are playing out what-if scenarios in our mind about decisions we’ve made, or we are going to make.

We want to attend the party, but then again, we want to stay home and relax. We like the dress we bought, but it’s not the color we prefer. We are okay with the choice of XYZ, but perhaps ABC would have been better.

It may even be a life-changing decision that you know will change your life forever.

It feels like a roller coaster of emotions – how exhausting! And no wonder we end up in a bad mood after the thoughts in our heads draw out the up-and-down feelings that drain us emotionally.

Paying attention to how you feel

Pay attention the next time you experience this battle in your mind and see how unproductive and non-sensible it truly is.

Second guessing is an energy sucker because it doesn’t move you from the conflict you are experiencing.

And when you are not moving, you are stuck, feel blocked, and can experience frustration with the situation, others, and even yourself.

We have issues moving forward because we are afraid to make the wrong decision, experience something terrible, or regret it.

Yet, by not deciding, you are costing yourself unnecessary anguish and anxiety. That suffering only can lead to more pain because that is what you are focusing on.

Once you decide, let go of the waffling about a specific event or situation. You can rest and concentrate on what you expect from the decision.

The direction of your decision feels good

I am attending the party, and I will have a great time.

I am wearing this dress, it makes me feel confident and beautiful, and I look great. I am fine joining the family on holiday because I love making great memories.

Always expect the best, even when you have no evidence of how it can be attained.
Some of us were trained to set our expectations low so we won’t feel disappointed. But if we focus on what can go wrong or start changing our minds and doubting, we work against what we want.

Feel supported by your decision

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s wise observation on how the spiritual laws work led him to believe and say, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”

Have you seen that in your life? In my book Living Your Intuitive Genius, I write about how this happened. I decided to get a divorce, and then I saw how the Universe helped me support my kids and grow my career as a single mom.

If you decide to move forward with your decision, you will start seeing the evidence about how you are supported. Choose to stay aware of how life unfolds.

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