Crush Goals

by | Dec 21, 2023 | 0 comments

“You are a masterpiece of your own life, make sure to paint yourself in the colors you love.”    ~ Unknown


As we wind down the year, many of us find ourselves knee-deep in the annual traditions of swapping out calendars, giving the house a clean, and decluttering our lives. It’s that time when we reflect on the past year, scratching our heads and wondering, “Where did the time go?” New Year’s resolutions often become the default remedy for a fresh start, yet let’s be honest – most resolutions fizzle out faster than a firework in the second week of January.

The stumbling block lies in our inclination for radical change. The comfort of our old ways, our cozy comfort zones, tends to take the lead. Pursuing self-improvement, with its aspirations for new habits and lifestyles, can be overwhelming and sometimes downright frustrating.

If you’re nodding along to this struggle, take solace in the fact that you’re not navigating this journey solo. The secret to making this journey more manageable and enjoyable is grasping the dynamics of incremental change.

Define Your Vision and Clear Goals:

Kick things off by crystallizing your vision and goals. Picture the life you dream of in vivid detail across all aspects. Clarity is key to providing you with a roadmap. When you visualize, you’re crafting a blueprint for your desired life. Consider generating more ideas from your imagination rather than your logic. Imagination births possibilities, while logic often spots roadblocks. This doesn’t mean dismissing challenges; instead, see them as opportunities to overcome.

Break Down Goals into Smaller Steps:

While the norm is breaking goals into bite-sized chunks, the wisdom of concentrating on one or two goals at a time often gets overlooked. Energy flows where attention goes, and scattering it across numerous goals dilutes its impact. Consider having four primary goals for the year, but focus on one or two simultaneously. It’s like juggling – easier with fewer balls in the air.

Realize Who You Have to Be:

True transformation unfolds at the being level. Define the person you need to become to reach your goal. If fitness is the aim, be someone who values exercise and a balanced meal. Enjoyment might not come immediately, but understanding how you show up assists in rewiring your mind and fostering a mindset of doing and being rather than resisting.

If career growth is the goal, embody the person who dresses the part and hones their skills. Action reinforces identity.

Recognizing who you need to be also highlights areas where action is lacking. Do you want to meet the love of your life? It’s time to be open to new possibilities if you’re not dating or socializing.

The Following 90 Days:

Take a daily step toward your goal to build momentum. Use scorecards, spreadsheets, apps, or journals to track progress. Remember Newton’s First Law – an object in motion stays in motion. Staying in motion makes you a person who is constantly growing and evolving.

Celebrate Small Wins and Setbacks:

Applaud small victories; they fortify commitment and boost confidence. Setbacks are part of the journey, offering feedback to refine your approach. In life’s journey, savor the moments for the goodness they bring.

Stay Committed with the End in Mind:

Your goals and dreams are in your heart because they are attainable. Keep the end in mind, as the second habit of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People suggests. Concentrate on who you become in the process. Life is a journey, not a destination – cherish the moments, grow, be, and always do your best.

You are a person who values self-development. Perhaps this year flew by way too quickly, and you see how difficult it can become to reach your goals in your current pattern of life. You may require a structure of support that will help you stay on track by accountability and encouragement.

No more standing by the sidelines in 2024; prioritize what matters most: you. I’d love to provide you with the tools for the departure of the old and the liftoff of the new you. Count yourself in for a complimentary discovery session with me.

As we step into the new year, let’s embrace incremental change. Set clear goals, take small steps, and recognize the person you need to be. It’s not just about the destination; it’s about evolving into the best version of yourself.

Cheers to a year of meaningful growth and achievements!

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