Seeds for the Soul
In Search of Peace
“Do what you can, with what you have, in the time you have, in the place you have it.”~ Nkosi JohnsonIn Search for PeaceOver the last month, we’ve all held our breath over the start of a new war, we cheered the Ukrainians as they’ve fought with honor and love for...
What if
Instead of using “what if” as regret over what you did not do, use it as an impetus to transform your experiences. How do I change my mindset?When I‘ve had conversations with some of you, you ask “How do you change your mindset from thinking negative to positive? My...
Release Stress and Enjoy Health
Release Stress and Enjoy HealthAre you a taskmaster? A person that has a long list of to-do items and high expectations on accomplishing them? Feeling stressed and frustrated because repeatedly fall short of your expectations? Do you feel that you are in a hamster...
Connecting the dots . . .
“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” ~ Steve JobsLife changing decisionYou can see in your own life how one decision can lead to a series of...
Follow your Intuition
"Go to your heart, it has secrets you don’t even know about. Go to your Soul, there is an unfolding of good trying to erupt through you. Go into the sacred silence and hear the whisperings of Spirit." ~ Dr Rev Michael B. BeckwithFollow Your IntuitionYou’ve experienced...
Turning Friction into Flow
In our toughest times, is when we find the greater possibilities for growth. The relationships that challenge you the most, are the ones that can help to transform your life. Learning to be in the flow, like water Imagine a stream of water, a river, or shallow water...
Logic v Intuition
"You playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightening about shrinking so that others won’t feel uncomfortable around you. As you let your own light shine, you indirectly give others permission to do the same." ~ Marianne WilliamsonLogic v IntuitionI...
The Gift of a Beginner’s Mind
"One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.Beginner’s MindHow do you feel when you experience new things? What about the times when you first saw a newborn baby, or when you first experienced...
You Matter. . .
A movie that I love to watch every year as it plays around the holidays is It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s a fictional story of George Bailey who wishes he had never been born, when he is granted the wish, he sees the impact that he has had on people, the impact he had on...
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