You Matter. . .

by | Jan 20, 2022 | 0 comments

A movie that I love to watch every year as it plays around the holidays is It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s a fictional story of George Bailey who wishes he had never been born, when he is granted the wish, he sees the impact that he has had on people, the impact he had on the entire town.

This week we celebrated the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as you reflect on how much impact he has had on so many, there may be a tendency to compare yourself and negate your contributions. You see, you are just like George Bailey, who has not realized the difference you make in the world just being who we are.

You touch people in your daily transactions and impact their lives with the smallest gestures. In the busyness of your days, you fail to see the value of your presence in people’s lives. How your smile, your word, your actions touch others.

The weight of the world is on our shoulders . . .

Imagine being in the busy grocery store; everyone around you has conversations in their head. Each person is living their life, internally feeling the doubt, fear, worry, despair, the anxiety of the situations in their lives. There is a wise Spanish saying that says “Cada Cabeza es un Mundo”; its translation is “Every head is a world.” In essence, it means that everyone has a curriculum in life, consisting of their thoughts, perspective, and individuality.

Each one of us does not know what others are carrying within; the weight of their world, the circumstances that they are living through. Likewise, others don’t know what your situation is like, or the life experience you are having. This is not a new concept to you, or me yet I remind myself of it when I think people are rude, unkind, or indifferent. I know that their actions are not related to me, they are associated with whatever is going on in their lives.

You can change lives . . .

So – what is the takeaway from comprehending this? You matter. Your words and actions matter. You are a difference-maker. You are a change maker. You inspire. You are Spirit in the flesh, so, however, you transact in the world has an impact on others’ lives. And, in turn, has an impact on you. It is when you get out of yourself by thinking and doing for others when you are doing the most good to you.

Knowing it and doing something about it looks different so, I invite you to Lifework
  • Next time you feel slighted, don’t take it personally and respond with kindness. Know that whoever is making you feel less is living in their own reality.
  • Next time you feel cranky, gloomy, sad; feel your feelings and let them not affect others. Watch your responses. Tell whomever you are transacting with that you are not having a good day so if you sound cranky, it’s not about them, it’s about you. This action shows that you care about your relationships.
  • Since you are conscious that others may be living through rigorous circumstances; set the intention daily to smile, act with kindness, have uplifting words for people.
  • Take time to listen to others, sometimes this simple gesture has a great impact on their lives as it makes them feel valued. And, you never know what you may learn :-).
  • Say Thank you when you feel served and speak appreciation to your loved one. Tell them how much they mean to you, and what a difference they make in your life. Every love is to be appreciated.
  • Be Present in every transaction – when someone is speaking to you, or you are interacting with another person give them your attention.

As you do these actions, pay attention to your energy; you will feel uplifted. You will feel more confident. You feel you matter. I recommend celebrating yourself as you do this lifework. It takes tremendous self-awareness to pay attention to your words and actions knowing that you matter.

For those of you who would like something more challenging undertaking – get out of your comfort zone and become a mentor or a beacon of light in someone’s life.

  • If you know of a young person who needs guidance, then become more available in their life.
  • Adopt a person who lacks your advantages and expand their world by sharing part of your world with them. Invite them to a museum, a ballgame, an amusement park (somewhere where they would not visit because of their life circumstance.)
  • If you know of a person who is lonely, make time to call them once per week.
  • Volunteer with an organization that supports a mission close to your heart.

Remember that you matter, and you hold the power to help others know that they matter.
With small actions, we can change the world.

Watch my Facebook live on this subject –

Believing in you!

*Trust, Create, and Thrive!*

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