
by | May 31, 2023 | 0 comments

Procrastinating or overburdened??

Do you ever feel like you have too much to do and always rush to finish everything at the last minute?

Are you procrastinating due to feeling overwhelmed, or are you overwhelmed because you procrastinate?

Either way, it produces a stressful environment that makes it difficult to move forward. I used to feel this way; it stressed and tired me, and I couldn’t develop new ideas. So, I decided to change how I do things and found these three tips helpful.

Tip 1: Start with a 5 Minute Move:

Set a timer for just five minutes and work on your project. Write a little, draw a little, or plan a little. You’ll be surprised at how much you can get done in such a short time. Once you start, you’re not procrastinating anymore!

It feels good to accomplish things, even just the start. Often, this is all that needs to be done to get into a flow that leads to a successful project being completed.

Tip 2: Make a Plan and Stick to It:

Write down what you must do and decide which tasks are the most important. Then, create a schedule. Choose specific times to work on each task based on when you feel most energized.

Some people work better in the morning, while others are more productive in the afternoon. Find what works best for you and plan accordingly.

Knowing yourself and when you are likely to produce better results for the specific tasks helps you to create the cadence required to stay on task and in flow. Push energy is depleting, so timing your task appropriately is everything.

Tip 3: Be Kind to Yourself and Celebrate Progress:

Procrastination often happens because we fear failing or trying to be perfect. Instead, be kind to yourself and accept that “failure is success in progress,” as Einstein said. And that perfection is subjective.

Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. And when you complete a task or reach a milestone, reward yourself. It could be something small like treating yourself to a favorite snack or taking a short break to do something you enjoy.

Taking small steps and being kind to yourself is the key to overcoming procrastination. By starting small, planning, and celebrating your progress, you can confidently, creatively, and joyfully tackle your projects. So, see the difference it makes in your work and life!

Ask for what you want . . .

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