There is power in words. What you say is what you get. ~Zig Ziglar

Last month, I gave folks at my workshop a fantastic offer – a personalized affirmation designed to help
them break free from the beliefs holding them back. It was a hit, and I was asked, “Can I create my

The answer is yes, you absolutely can. But they must be written at a specific vibration frequency; words
have power. Personalized affirmations are a secret weapon against those sneaky negative thoughts that
try to bring us down.

Our words, just like our thoughts, have superpowers. They can either make us feel super energized or
super drained. Have you ever said, “I’m tired,” and then felt even more tired? Conversely, when you say,
“I feel great and full of energy,” you suddenly feel more alive. Our words can change our mood!

Our minds are like sponges. They soak up all the words we say to ourselves. So if we keep telling
ourselves negative
stuff like, “I’m tired,” “I’m stressed,” or “I can’t do it,” our minds believe it.

If you’ve attended one of my workshops, you know that a part of our brain focuses on what we tell it to
pay attention to. That’s why personalized affirmations are so powerful! They work to reframe your
beliefs and limiting thoughts that keep you stuck and playing small; it’s a way to unlock your success.

To demonstrate the power of words, let’s talk about the word “try.” It might sound harmless, but it’s not
very convincing. Your subconscious hears, “I might not succeed, but I’ll give it a shot.” But when we
replace “try” with “I am doing this,” you are planting a flag on a mountain – you’re all in, and you mean

Our thoughts and words have a charge to them, so you’ve got to choose your words carefully. Use words
that make you feel powerful and motivated. Instead of saying, “I will try,” say, “I am doing this.” You are
changing the energy of how you proceed, simply by the words you speak and becoming the hero of your
own story.

The Energy of Words

Like the genius Albert Einstein once said, “Everything in life is vibration.” It’s like everything in the
universe is dancing to its beat. To change our reality, we’ve got to change our dance moves.

Einstein also told us that everything is energy. The whole world is buzzing with energy, and we need to
find the right frequency to get what we want. It’s not just some fancy idea – it’s physics!

So, choosing the right words is like tuning your radio to the right station. But that’s not all. Our feelings
and actions are also at a specific frequency; if you want to change your results, there is much to pay
attention to.

Getting into the right thought frequency, speaking the right words, and learning how to respond to our
emotions and actions can be difficult, especially when we have habits and thoughts to overcome.

The Energy of Everything!

It can be done, and it is rigorous business. But it is easier and faster with the structure of support. That’s
where my 12-week program comes in. It’s a proven system that works on different areas of your life
every week, and we devise personalized action steps to reach a higher frequency.

This is a testimonial I received on Facebook from one of my clients this week –

“… want to give a testimonial of how you’ve helped me get out of my lower vibrations and achieve my
goal of remembering that I am worthy of a wonderful life and my past does not define me and for you
being there to guide me with your wisdom and kindness.” ~ Joan.

I love to help people; therefore, I’d love to give free discovery sessions. We’ll chat about your dreams
and challenges, and I’ll give you some action steps to get closer to your goals. There’s no pressure to sign
up for my programs
– it’s just a chance to get to know each other.

But here’s the catch – I only have a few monthly spots available. So, if this offer excites you, don’t miss
out! Book some time with me, and let’s get the ball rolling.

Remember, your words have magic in them. Choose them wisely, and watch your reality transform into
something extraordinary.

You’ve got the power, my friend. Don’t miss out!

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