Follow Your Inner Knowing

by | Jul 3, 2023 | 0 comments

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
― Howard Thurman,

Hearing from Your Inner Knowing

Have you ever felt compelled to do something different career-wise or personally from what is expected or what you have done in the past?

After working in financial services for over thirty years, I felt a desire to spread my wings and live life more freely and be of service. A small voice said, “Is that all there is to life?”

I remembered Rumi’s quote, “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” This spoke about listening to your inner knowing and following your true passions.

I asked myself what I would love to do and realized that I wanted to pursue a more fulfilling career by following my intuition.

Sometimes, following our intuition may not make sense, but we must trust it and take chances even when we are uncertain.

Honoring Your Inner Knowing

As Albert Einstein said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

We have an inner knowing, a genius within to be honored and listened to. I took a leap of faith, became a certified coach, and left my job to become an entrepreneur. It was not an easy decision, but I trusted my guidance.

Before following my intuition, I was living the same routine every year. However, since I decided to follow my guidance, every year has been different, filled with continuous growth and new experiences.

Your intuition is the highest form of intelligence.  Your inner knowing calls you to be, do, create, have, and give what makes you fulfilled and joyful, it leads you to love.

To discover your purpose, ask yourself what you would love to do that utilizes your skills and interests and adds value to others.

Open your mind to the answers that come and jot down your ideas. Pursue your passion and focus on making a positive impact; resources and connections will naturally come your way.

Trust your inner knowing, the voice of love; it will guide you on the right path.

Trust Your Inner Knowing

The best part of my journey is seeing the fantastic things that have happened since I heard the nudge to follow a different path.

I have done more and felt more fulfilled during this time than ever before. I am amazed at whom I’ve become, an entrepreneur, life coach, two-time author, and speaker. While using my logical brain, I had not imagined or dreamed about these accomplishments.

Even the trying episode with breast cancer was a gift to me because I knew how to overcome it with ease and love. And as I move forward, I stay curious about what my next life episodes will reveal.

You can do the same. As you follow your inner knowing, the nudge of what you are called to do, know that you will be supported.

One of my favorite things to do is help people discover their most precious gift and connect with their inner knowing. I have a process of discovery to help you hear from your inner genius. Email me to schedule some time to embrace your higher self. 

It can be scary, but the secret is to open up to love when you face your fears and doubts. The Course in Miracles says there are only two emotions – fear and love. One of our purposes in life is to always walk toward love.

Following your inner knowing will always lead to love.

Let me help you discover and follow your inner knowing to a life you love!

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