Feeling Disconnected?

by | Sep 5, 2023 | 0 comments

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”         — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Have you been feeling disconnected?

Life can sometimes feel like a big puzzle, especially after everything changed during the “health event” we had in 2020. It’s tough to figure out where all the pieces fit. You might feel disconnected from the world around you, and that’s okay. Today, I want to share a story that might help you see the bigger picture and offer you a special opportunity.

It’s natural to feel disconnected, especially after a big pause in our lives. Covid changed how we interact with friends, family, and work. You may be craving stronger, more meaningful relationships. Perhaps you’ve noticed that some people around you negatively drain your energy.

There was a shift in how people feel after our 2020 health event. It’s essential to check in to see how you’re feeling about life—the events, the people, the situations, and everything around you.

Feeling Disconnected

We went through an event where everything we knew to be true changed. It was similar to the time I was going through my divorce. My life transformed in ways I’d never imagined. I felt disconnected from everything I once knew to be true.

 I started a new chapter as a new person with a new identity, no longer married but divorced. Some relationships became strained, with pressure to pick sides. Others remained but felt uncomfortable, and some evolved to become protectors of the new me.

Divine Support

During this time, I came to a profound realization—life can change instantly, but what you make of it dictates the outcome. What became crystal clear in my journey was that I was being supported by what I call God. The Universe, the Energy called Life, and the Divine Intelligence rushed in to help.

That’s when I met my first spiritual mentor, Connie. She taught me principles I’d heard about but never practiced. Some of what I teach now.  Interestingly, that was also when I felt disconnected from the God of my past.

You see, I went through a phase where I was mad at my God. I blamed Him for my choices despite knowing that divorce was the right path for my life.

Looking back, I see that Connie was sent to me to fill my spiritual void. She wasn’t the God I had known before; she was teaching me that Life is God. God isn’t a white-bearded man in heaven keeping score of our actions; God is in the essence of life itself.

Embracing Support

Now, what does this have to do with you feeling disconnected? Let’s connect the dots. After my divorce, I had to learn how to navigate life as a single mom, a breadwinner, a career woman, and a role model—all on my own for the first time. I needed guidance, wisdom, and light, and Connie provided that.

Since then, I’ve noticed that the right people show up in my life when I need them. Support for the circumstances I was facing came out of the blue. That’s why I firmly believe there are no coincidences in life.

I remember a time when a series of automobile accidents left me puzzled. Talking to a friend’s mother helped me realize that I needed to change my thinking, as my energy was causing the accidents. Life speaks to us through situations, conditions, and circumstances, often through the people in our lives.

Recognizing the Teacher

So, if you feel disconnected, remember this: You are part of an intelligent universe, and everything in your life is in perfect order. Even the people you might not get along with have a purpose in your life. They’re here to teach you something, just as you’re here to teach them.

 Ask yourself, “What can this person teach me?” Because we are all each other’s teachers.

 And here’s the special opportunity I mentioned: If you’re interested in learning more, exploring what’s going on in your life, and getting clear on your next steps, consider scheduling a discovery call. It’s hard to find clarity when you are in the middle of confusion, but others can see clearly. I can help you find clarity in your journey and be the support that Connie was to me.

Stay curious, stay connected, and never forget you are part of something amazing!

Keep shining your light,

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