
by | Jan 18, 2023 | 0 comments

Inspiration of Real–Life Experiences

You may have seen the movie The Secret that made the Law of attraction famous. This spiked the interest of many on how we can manifest what you desire, and I was one of them.
Have you heard the story of how Jim Carey as a starving, unknown comedian, landed a part that paid him ten million dollars? He used the power of manifestation, as he explains in this video.

Some people use vision boards, and I did experience results by placing the picture of what I wanted on a poster board. I had a vision board with a picture of a particular kitchen, and about five years after I created the vision board, I moved to a house with the exact kitchen.

It was an astonishing discovery that manifesting is real. Since then, I’ve experienced something much more potent by manifesting my husband, my home, and friendships and events that I know resulted from manifesting what I desired.

Some Practices are More Effective

While manifesting via a vision board took five years, my other desired results have taken much less time because of the technology I now teach others as a life coach.

I teach how to create the life you desire and a system highly successful people use to manifest what they want. There are still some that may call it woo-woo, supernatural, and even sinful. But truth be told, it is Spiritual work; manifesting what you desire involves having a deep connection with your Spirit, your inner knowing, your Source.

It is More Than Visualizing

Manifesting what you want requires you to know and believe there is a Source; my name for my Source is God and Spirit. You may call that being Universe, Allah, Divine Being, and many others.

I grew up Catholic and experienced my faith deeply, and when I started exploring the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, I felt guilty. Since then, I’ve noticed that guilt has been part of my upbringing so feeling uneasy about experimenting was normal. And now that I’ve learned more about the Spiritual Laws, I can see how aligned they are with my Catholic practices, which speak to being the best version of who you are.

It’s important to face what keeps you from moving forward to learn more and understand how to become the person you are meant to be.

Discovering a Higher Calling

There is no higher spiritual calling than discovering how to align with the Spirit and follow what is possible. I believe we go against our nature and God when we speak words of impossibility or defeat.

Your Source created you to live the best possible life, become the best version of yourself, and follow your dreams and desires. Unfortunately, as we grew up, we were taught to listen to the voice of doubt, worry, and guilt, which is the model some of us have followed.

I don’t believe in coincidence; everything in life is brought to us at the exact time. God is perfect and, like mathematics, is exact in how life is created. So, if you are reading this, you can explore the possibility that you are being called to learn more.

Learn more about you, your Source, Life, and how to navigate life by listening to your inner wisdom for the best results.

Sticking to your New Year’s resolutions is one way of working on yourself. Congratulations if you are moving forward with them yet others have difficulty because they are using push energy to achieve them. The process I teach evokes the Law of non-resistance, instilling a method that flows with life’s essence.

How to manifest what you desire

Learning this proven, reliable, and repeatable transformation method will help you manifest what you desire.

Feel invited to this transformation process and learn how to create the results you would love in 2023.

You can register and attend my workshop here.

I am passionate about my work as I’ve seen the difference it has made in people’s lives.

I hope to see you there!

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