Creating Successful Projects Despite Feeling Defeated Even Before Starting

by | Jun 29, 2022 | 0 comments

If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster,
your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.
– Les Brown

Creating successful projects despite feeling defeated even before starting.

Sometimes the things we must do seem overwhelming, challenging, and nearly impossible to do. What are the steps you can take so you become even more successful with completing your goals?

You may be in a daunting situation, and its mere enormity makes you become frozen with inaction. You may not even know where to start. Perhaps you are dealing with a mountain of debt you are paying, an illness treatment that you are beginning, accumulated clutter you would like to terminate or organize, or losing a significant amount of weight.

Whatever your situation, you feel your efforts are too small to make a difference.

The situations don’t have to be negative; perhaps you’ve decided to return to school, work, or change careers. Or you are creating a manuscript for a book or a movie, or even starting your own business. Despite the situation being a good thing, you still confront defeated thoughts because of the enormity of your objective.

A Personal Story About My House

A couple of years ago, I published a video on Facebook where I discussed my dream to create a particular backyard in our home. When we purchased that home, honestly, I was not at all in love with having to do backyard projects because it seemed so challenging. But as I dreamed about the different living spaces we could create; I fell in love with the idea.

Once I looked at the situation changed, my thoughts about the possibility of accomplishing it shifted. It became possible, doable, and even fun as we completed one project after the next.

I discussed in the video how I created a blueprint, and as we followed the blueprint two years later, we completed the project with the gardens I envisioned. My husband and I hosted Thanksgiving 2022 for 33 people in the beautifully manicured and cared-for space. We felt accomplished and successful, having completed the projects in about a year and a half.

Another impossible feat being created

And now, I am completing another initiative that seemed like a pipedream when I began it. A few months after my breast cancer diagnosis, I was inspired to write a book. The idea of writing about my experience and using it as a tool to help others navigate an illness motivated me to remain focused.

I am so happy to share that my book Living Your Intuitive Genius; How to Tap into Your Soul to Heal your Body, Mind, and Spirit is in the publishing phase of the project. Another dream is close to realizing!

YAY! Celebrate with me, please 😊 I share these stories not to impress you or brag but to press upon you on the fact that if I can do it, so can you. We are all fully equipped to live into our dreams and do the thing that is in our hearts.

Invitation to Lifework . . .


Whatever the goal – Think of the “why” you are engaging in this project, what you would love it to look like at the end. Your desire for it to happen is the motivation to get it completed. Finding the why is essential as that is the fuel you will use when you don’t feel like performing the steps that will serve your goal.

Could you create a blueprint, a written list, or a sketch? You can create a time visual of what you will be making. If you can’t create a visual, think about how you will feel when you complete the unsurmountable feat; will you be excited, happy, and accomplished. This is about keeping the end in mind; you need this visual or emotion to keep you connected.

Just start – taking steps daily or weekly, but consistently making strides to complete the initiative before you.
Celebrate the milestones every step of the way. Concentrate on how much more you are doing, not what is still to be done. Focus on how much you’ve accomplished.

If you feel discouraged or defeated at any time, reconnect with your why and look at the blueprint you created.
Just keep moving!

On the video, you can see a dirt yard behind me. Below is a picture of the yard as it looked once it was completed.

For additional similar inspiration, enjoy the flowing blogs

Resolutions Realized

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