Follow your Intuition

Follow your Intuition

Follow your Intuition “Go to your heart, it has secrets you don’t even know about. Go to your Soul, there is an unfolding of good trying to erupt through you. Go into the sacred silence and hear the whisperings of Spirit.” ~ Dr Rev Michael B. Beckwith...

Turning Friction into Flow

In our toughest times, is when we find the greater possibilities for growth. The relationships that challenge you the most, are the ones that can help to transform your life. Learning to be in the flow, like water Imagine a stream of water, a river, or shallow water...
Logic v Intuition

Logic v Intuition

Logic v Intuition “You playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightening about shrinking so that others won’t feel uncomfortable around you. As you let your own light shine, you indirectly give others permission to do the same.” ~...
The Gift of a Beginner’s Mind

The Gift of a Beginner’s Mind

The Gift of a Beginner’s Mind “One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. Beginner’s Mind How do you feel when you experience new things? What about the times when you first saw...
You Matter. . .

You Matter. . .

You Matter. . . A movie that I love to watch every year as it plays around the holidays is It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s a fictional story of George Bailey who wishes he had never been born, when he is granted the wish, he sees the impact that he has had on people, the...
Blossoming into Flow

Blossoming into Flow

Blossoming into Flow Be like a flower, survive the rain, and use it to grow.” ~Anonymous What a difference a year makes! You see, last year during this time, I was in the middle of chemotherapy; physically andmentally I was in a different place. I had lost all...

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