Seeds for the Soul
Tools for Better Health
As we experience another season of Covid 19 and the effects of Omicron, your mindset can empower you to stay healthy. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are powerful tools to use for better health. I experimented with these concepts during my breast cancer journey....
Compensation as Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect and The Law of Compensation Cause and effect are at play with everything we do; our thoughts, feelings, and actions cause a reaction – big or small. And it is tied to the spiritual law of compensation which provides us with what we have put forth. In...
A Gratitude Practice
On Thanksgiving, we are reminded to give thanks as we celebrate another year, another season, another day. We celebrate the harvest and ancestors with a big meal with friends and family; despite what is going in our lives we tune in to gratitude for the blessings in...
Give to Get
By not giving until you receive, you cut the flow of circulating energy and hamper your growth and progress.
Raise with Praise
Recall the last time you gave someone a compliment, and or vocally praise them in some way. Notice how that person’s energy is elevated when you compliment them. There is a surge of energy that moved through their body, it is dopamine enlivening each cell in their...
Discovering Purpose
” Is that all there is?” was the voice that haunted me as I led a successful career in business. From the outside my life spoke success, yet the inside yearned for a more fulfilling life, I felt a call to a higher purpose; a call to serve in a different way. But I had...
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