Give to Get

by | Oct 8, 2021 | 0 comments

We live in world where people want to GET something, before they GIVE something.  We think “what’s in it for me if I do that”, or I won’t say “hello” until they say it first. When in a new relationship, we wait to say “I love you”, until it is said to us first. Keeping score is what we’ve learned to be less vulnerable to others.

When not giving until you receive, you cut the flow of circulating energy of getting what you want. By holding on to something so tightly, you constrict its flow. Instead, open the flow of receiving by giving, and attract what you want and expect. Knowing that by giving you will receive, aligns you with your higher power and faith. As you give, so it shall be given onto you (Luke 6:38).

An analogy I love is used by my teacher, Mary M Morrissey who describes the concept of feeding the fire to receive its heat. If we don’t feed the fire with wood, then we will not receive the gift of its heat. In this same way is how we receive what we desire.

A Personal Story

As a single mom, I was awarded a settlement after a car accident. A friend knew of the settlement and borrowed a substantial amount from me, she explained she and her husband were in desperate need with a household of five. I lent them the money freely and of course, expected her to repay me. After four timely monthly installments, they stopped making the payments. It was difficult to collect from a friend, I was given excuses on how much more difficult life had become for them. I remember seeing her with compassion for her situation and choosing to move forward. I simply asked her to please pay as she could. There was a part of me that wanted to force repayment and another part that said, “if they don’t have the money, what can you do?” There was peace with my decision to see what would unfold of the situation, unfortunately, the relationship ended since she became estranged, and eventually, I never saw her again.

In my heart, I had faith that somehow the money would come back to me in some other way. And it was so, as a single mom God came to my aid to help me with the resources when I required them. I was offered a discounted condo from a friend who was moving and wanted someone to care for his home, I was also given a promotion that raised my income considerably. It was as though I had been paid with interest. At the time, I was not consciously practicing the spiritual laws and they were at work regardless of whether I was conscious of them or not. By spiritual law, the law of circulation occurs in our lives. It is we, who stop the flow by our actions.

Lifework . . .

In what area of your life do you feel the most lack – is it love, money, time, friendships, appreciation?

It is in that place where you can start the flow to receive by giving first.

You cannot reap a harvest unless you plant seeds.

Trust, Create, and Thrive!

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