Attuning to God’s Winks

by | Mar 29, 2023 | 0 comments

“When the mind is attuned to the cosmic law, all the laws of nature are in perfect harmony with the aspirations of the mind.” ~Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Call it a coincidence, serendipitous, synchronicity, or a God wink

Believing in a higher Source makes you have a different perspective. You see coincidences, serendipitous events, and synchronicities, and God winks in a different light.

A coincidence is defined as a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.

These are expected connections. We and everything around us are connected. And Life always looks for ways to deliver us the best, highest good.

There is an Energy, an Infinite Intelligence; my name is God or Spirit. You may have a different name for the Source that breathes your Life.


We are calling in God’s winks in our lives by our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

You’ve had the experience of thinking about a person and then getting a call from them. You want reassurance or information and then hear precisely what you need to hear.

Last week’s blog shared how I called a friend who invited me to stay in her second home. I had no idea she owned a home in New Mexico.

On Friday, I shared with my dental hygienist, my vacation plans. She shared that she grew up in New Mexico (I had no idea) and talked about her hometown.

Weeks ago, my intuition had already caused me to research the town she mentioned. So, our conversation is a sign to follow the nudge to go there. It is Spirit’s way of talking to me in a way I understand.

I credit those experiences to asking Spirit for direction on what I am called to do in New Mexico. I am led to people delivering a message.

Some folks call it serendipitous that I am bumping into people who are guides in my journey. There may even be other people that don’t see the magic and correlation in the events.

What are the chances of this being the time I am in contact with people from New Mexico? A scientific mind wants to calculate the probability of something like that happening.

Believing in the Best

Whereas I believe that the answer to my question is being answered. This is the law of attraction and manifestation at work. It’s God’s winking. We meet the right people at the right time, always.

Believing that these are signs leading me makes life fun. And it is easier to let go of the outcome of situations.

In challenging times, this way of seeing things becomes very useful. It stops you from worrying or doubting.

When facing a challenge and desperately wanting a particular result. You may get upset, anxious, short-tempered, and even closed-minded.

Instead, you should step away from the situation (as best you can). And think that things are being orchestrated in your favor. This is where the mantra let go and let God comes in.

I remember when I wanted to control an outcome, instead, I kept saying, “Let Go and Let God” to myself. Then I would see things unfold in perfect order. Sometimes even better than expected.

Also, to let go is to expect the best outcome. Most of us worry, doubt, or want to control. By doing that, you are working against the force that wants to give you what you want.

It’s key to step away and release the outcome for the ‘highest good of all’ to occur. By trying to control the situation, you are limiting the outcome.

I get it; it is easier said than done. Once upon a time, I was a control freak.

Nurture Your Relationship

So how do you tune in to the energy that works for you? One of the things you can do is to open yourself to noticing the miracles. Be open to receiving God’s winks.

You can do that by embracing quiet time (meditating). By doing it before the chaos of your day begins, you can get into a habit of living by intention.
Get in the habit of nurturing your relationship with Spirit.

I follow a morning practice that helps me stay centered and open to God’s winks. I’ve been doing it for years and created an eBook to help you do the same. Feel free to download my free eBook, 3 Ways to Center Your Spirit.

By committing to the practices in the eBook, you are on your way. And some of you who want quicker results, I have a 12-week program that I teach. Group classes start monthly; contact me for more information.

You are a spiritual being, living a human experience. You have a tie to your Source. It is always guiding you, and always supporting your life.

It’s noteworthy to mention that you reading this blog is no coincidence, it is your intuitive genius getting the information you need for the next part of your journey. God is winking at you!

Believing in You and Your Dreams!

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