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3 Ways to Center
Your Spirit

My Morning Practice

My Morning Practice: 3 Ways to Center Your Spirit

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Allow your mind to connect with the Higher Mind and listen to
inspired thoughts and your inner voice.

~ Edna A Castillo

In this book, you will learn how to . . .

1. Gain balance and flow and reduce stress

2. Develop your Intuitive Genius (inner knowing)

3. Achieve a clear mind that leads to sound decision-making

4. Create daily intentions that help you manifest the results you want

5. Live in a state of gratitude and love for life

6. Deepen your relationship with your Source (God/ Spirit)

These practices are the doorway to your personal connection with Spirit. Develop them and embark on a journey of flow, self-realization, and loving your life even more.

~ Edna A Castillo

About Edna

Edna Castillo

EDNA A. CASTILLO is a bestselling author, speaker, transformational wellness and healing coach, and breast cancer thriver. As the founder and CEO of RealityDreams Life Coaching LLC, she believes that life speaks to us and, through our intuitive genius, discover how to navigate life’s challenges to thrive no matter the circumstance, diagnosis, situations, or conditions we face. In our most harrowing moments, seeds of greatness are birthed to create richer, fuller lives.

Her battle with breast cancer, a journey she calls her most spiritual time, is what calls Edna to inspire and motivate women to step out of their stories and live into their glory. She wrote her book Living Your Intuitive Genius: How to Tap Into Your Soul to Heal Your Body, Mind, and Spirit while undergoing rigorous cancer treatments. Hence, she understands how to transform tragedy into triumph and move life from surviving to thriving.

Edna applied the healing and wellness principles she teaches to become cancer-free; she has been coaching clients into a wellness mindset, making her an expert in her field. She understands the emotional unsteadiness cancer can cause, the fear, anger, guilt, anxiety, loss of control, and loneliness patients can feel. She coaches her clients to regain confidence, joy, and control back in their lives. Our mental state can stand in the way of healing so that patients can meet and beat the disease with new perspectives.

Her life goal is to contribute to eradicating cancer, so she also loves to coach busy women, stressed, and overwhelmed by serving others first and ignoring themselves. Life often talks to us with the manifestation of illness when we are not listening to our needs; therefore, Edna will meet you where you are in your health journey. Learn to listen to life’s signals, practice healing and wellness, and live a life of balance, flow, harmony, and joy.

She received her undergraduate degree in business and is a trained Life Mastery Consultant from Marry Morrissey’s Brave Thinking Institute. She lives a rich bi-cultural experience, having been born in Guatemala and moving to San Francisco, CA, at age ten. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, loves to cook for family and friends, hike, walk, and play with her two dogs, and delights in quiet time in the redwoods near the coast- where she communes with nature and welcomes innovative ideas, dreams, and inspiration.

Edna Castillo
My Morning Practice: 3 Ways to Center Your Spirit

Download this FREE ebook and learn how to gain greater clarity, have balance and flow, and trust your decision-making to live the life you love.

In this book, you will learn to enhance your connection with your Inner Wisdom and discover a more expansive way to live.

Click Here to Get it NOW!

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