Step Into Your Greatness

What does success mean to you? Does it mean attaining a certain amount of wealth, being a good parent, or having a happy and loving life? Each person has their definition of success.
Whatever success you seek, you strive to get and meet challenges. It is the process of life to long for something and work to reach it.
Where most of us struggle is in the decision to go for it. We have a dream and can even have a picture of what it will look like, but deciding to go for it is where you experience a delay.
You may even be stuck and indecisive about it. Being indecisive is your decision, and that leads to discontent.
The Self–Image of Being Great
When you are discontent with your life, it reflects in your self-image. Last week, we learned how vital self-image is to achieving success.
When you have a good self-image, you see yourself as capable. You can see that you can do it. You can decide, and you can do it. You step into your greatness, no matter what it is.
A good self-image only takes you so far. When you think of your dream or goal, you may think it is too hard to go after it. You may have voices in your head telling you it’s not possible. You may even have the actual voices of parents, friends and family holding you back.
Decide to Step Into Your Greatness
Step into your greatness of success, no matter your measure of success, requires work. More precisely, it requires a decision to move forward and do the work.
If you are not deciding on it, you are deciding against it by your indecision. It is a decision to succeed or not succeed that you are making.
Indecision is where you may be stuck. Some people are stuck there for a lifetime. Mary Morrissey has a saying, “Some people live 90 years, some people live 1 year 90 times.”
The folks living the same year 90 times have a fear of failure gambling the one life they have to live. They are living by chance, not by choice.
Greatness is a Choice
Living by choice is part of stepping into your greatness. Living your life and not letting fear have a say so. Yes, you will still have the voice say, “what if I fail” “why work that hard,” and “what if I can’t.”
You can discount all those voices with “what if you succeed,” what if it’s easy,” “what if you could.” You have the ability to step into a life-changing moment when you decide.
Part of what makes a good decision-maker is not being afraid of making a mistake.
Why is making a mistake a big deal? we’ve made such a big deal about doing things right that we’ve lost the concept that mistakes are also right.
Greatness is not Perfection
Mistakes teach us how things do not work. It is just feedback to consider doing things differently. Perfection has many of us stuck.
You don’t try because you are afraid of getting it wrong. Again, without trying, you will never know.
Both fears of failure and being indecisive are self-fulfilling prophecies. By not acting, you are failing, anyway. Success requires your action.
Highly successful people are good decision-makers. They have three traits that allow them to step into greatness. They have a strong self-image. They are proficient decision-makers and not afraid of making mistakes.
Last week we talked about self-image, and today we covered the fear of failure. You can be a proficient decision-maker by using the success formula I teach in my workshops.
Step Into Your Greatness with the Success Formula
The Success Formula is the basis for creating the life you would love. It is the Success Formula because it is the key to creating success and living into your greatness.
Some of you have attended my workshop. If you have, it is time to refresh your mind by learning it and activating it in your life.
If you have not attended my workshop, this is a great opportunity. Join this month’s workshop and overcome any decision-making challenges holding you back.
Step Into Your Greatness and learn to achieve the success you will realize.
One of the things I’ve learned is that if you think you know it, you don’t. If your life reflects your desired results, you do know it. Either way, we are here to learn and grow, so come and discover the next level of your Becoming.