Staying Positive is Not the Answer

Is positive thinking really the answer?
Part of the message with personal development is to be positive, see the good, and concentrate on what is good in your life.
That messaging deters you from focusing on victimhood or feeling sorry for yourself. Yes, there is no value gained by seeing yourself as a victim.
So, when you feel things are not going your way, things are happening to you, and you can’t seem to get any breaks, it’s a good time to reframe your perspective.
Change more than your perspective
You may think reframing your perspective sometimes means putting up with the situation and focusing on what is good about it.
In other words, if you are miserable in your job, and because you are a positive person, you focus on how fortunate you are to have a job. You think that having a job is better than being unemployed, which is one way of seeing the good and being positive.
And you don’t leave it at that. What you are experiencing will not improve or disappear if you don’t do something else.
Most people don’t do this because it will cause them to consider a change. Change can be difficult, depending on your level of comfort with the situation. Some people rather stay in an uncomfortable situation than do something different.
Have you heard the saying, “Better the devil you know than the one you don’t?” How many times have you said something similar?
The answer is in your heart
After wanting to stay positive in your situation, the next step is to ask yourself, “What would I love?”
By asking this question, you are connecting with your heart and hearing from your voice within. The voice that is referred to the still small voice.
You may have ignored that voice and known the answer all along.
If you are hearing from that part of yourself, what you are hearing is not only possible but wants to be birthed into life. This is how life speaks to us; it is always seeking to expand our life.
One of the laws of the universe is the law of sacrifice, which says that you have to let go of the lesser to get the greater. The lesser the uncomfortable life.
It is a Spiritual Call
You’re longing for what you would love is a spiritual call to your Becoming. We live in a spiral universe, and life also expresses itself that way. You are being pulled up the spiral of becoming the person you are to be.
I had similar longings; each led me to a fork in the road to decide to remain in the uncomfortable or follow Spirit’s nudge for a better life.
Some decisions were more straightforward because it was obvious that my current life was painful and something better was calling me, such as when I divorced.
Being inspired to write my book Living Your Intuitive Genuis was easy to execute but difficult to birth because of the challenging steps it took. But that is how life works, one step leads to the next.
I had other longings that were difficult to follow because I was still in my comfort zone. One of them was when after working thirty years in corporate, I kept hearing my voice within say, “Is that all there is to life?”
The voice within was asking me to discover my purpose. And after a time of uncovering, life coaching was revealed to me. A profession I had no idea existed.
Getting Clear on Your Answer
If this article has piqued your curiosity, and you want to be guided through a process of discovery. I have a technology that will help you uncover, get clear, and provide you with a plan.
Please feel free to join my next workshop. Register here.
One of the things I love about my workshops is that each person is there with the same purpose, to learn more about the spiritual principles of success. Each person desires a fuller, freer life; we are all answering our Becoming.
And when two or three are gathered, Spirit is there. I love that! Listening to your still small voice is spiritual work.
I hope to see you there!