Manifestation Mindshift

by | Aug 29, 2023 | 0 comments

“You are a masterpiece of your own life, make sure to paint yourself in the colors you love.”    ~ ― Unknown

Change in Mindshift, Transforming Results.

I recently heard a cool, true story that I want to share with you. It’s about how amazing things can happen when we’re open to new things and opportunities. Your change in mind shift opens the flow of energy for you to see more clearly.

 Imagine this: There’s a single mom with four kids. She’s super busy and thinks she doesn’t have time for a relationship. But deep down, she’s feeling lonely. She keeps telling herself she’s too busy, and who would want to date a mom with so much to do?

Then, something changes. She decides to ask for help from a higher power and be open to finding someone special. She’s ready for love, but she leaves it up to fate. Guess what? Less than an hour later, she sees a man and his daughter having a great time in the store where she works. A feeling comes over her, and she tells him about her busy life. He responds by saying he has time for her despite having two kids.

They date for 14 years until their kids are grown, and they get married. What’s crazy is that the man had been coming to the store hoping to meet her for a long time. He was right there all along, but she didn’t notice because she didn’t think it was possible.

Once she created an open to love mind shift, she was able to see that it was there all along. She manifested her desired partner.

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” 

― William Ernest Henley

This story shows how we can block good things from coming our way. If you keep saying, “I can’t afford this” or “I don’t have time for that,” you’re closing the door to possibilities. Even if you don’t have something right now, being open to it can make things happen.

You might think, “Wait, I can’t pretend I have things I don’t.” And you’re right. It’s not about lying to yourself. It’s about believing good things can come and being ready to receive them, despite them not being evident at the time. Your shift in thinking opens your mind to receive ideas, and opportunities that lead to what you seek.

Someone wisely said, “Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.”

Here’s another story: A friend’s husband had four unsuccessful job interviews and he concluded: “I’m not hirable.”


Understandably, he is feeling defeated, but professing the lack is not going to lead to abundance. Changing his thinking by releasing the negative experience as a learning opportunity and declaring “I am talented working in the job I love” transforms his energy to belief in himself and attainment of his desired job.


So next time you are in a situation that may appear impossible, notice the energy you are bringing to the moment. Pay attention to the thinking and ideas you’ve been holding and reframe your thinking to what you would want to experience.


You can have what you want by creating the mind shift necessary to manifest itThe Buddha simply said “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.”

You are a creative being, and you originate your results as you move through life. My coach, Lauren, teaches that mindset, skillset, and action lead to results. To obtain the desired results, your mindset is the overarching flow of energy that births your reality.

So it’s super important to remember, whatever results you currently have, to change them, it all starts by your shift in your mind.  
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