In Search of Peace

by | Mar 9, 2022 | 0 comments

“Do what you can, with what you have, in the time you have, in the place you have it.”
~ Nkosi Johnson

In Search for Peace

Over the last month, we’ve all held our breath over the start of a new war, we cheered the Ukrainians as they’ve fought with honor and love for their country. They are David, standing up a great powerful Goliath. And now, we ask ourselves “what can I do to help?”

What can we do?

As wise beyond this years, Nkosi Johnson, a 12-year-old South African child born with Aids said prior to his death, “Do what you can, with what you have, in the time you have, in the place you have it.” What we all can do, is start with ourselves. How can we ask others to change their hearts and chose peace if we have not? When we seek and work for peace within ourselves, then we can expect it from our neighbors. We can expect it from everyone around us, and the world.

The season for Non–Violence and Lent

This year is the 25th anniversary of the Season for Non-Violence, which was established by Arun Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson. There are two well-known Peace Makers, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi who were assassinated standing for non-violent resistance. There are sixty-four days between the day of their deaths and every year their stance, belief, and non-violent actions are commemorated in the Season for Non-Violence. We are also in the season of Lent, which is a forty-day period of prayer, almsgiving, and fasting that is observed by Catholics.

Observing Lent affects you long–term

And now, I have a different relationship with Spirit. One of trust, belief, and total submission to what He inspires me to do. It is not easy; my human nature often argues and then I remember that I don’t have a bird’s eye view – Spirit does. So then, I do the step that I am called to do and then the next one is revealed. One thing that is present when taking the steps, is that I am not alone, and Spirit is acting for my and everyone else’s higher good. I am in love with the idea of serving despite, at times, there being things I do not want to do.

Let’s be Inspired

So, as we hear the news of the Russian Ukrainian conflict, we can become inspired by the Season for Non-Violence and Lent as a model of how to effect change. Following the advice of Nkosi, you start where you are. If we want peace, we start with having peace within and outside of us. And like the waves of when a pebble is thrown on a pound, our peace moves outward to the world. We become the beacon of peace, shining our light wherever we are.



Let’s fast from behaviors that go against peace and lean on the habits that can make you shine brighter. Pick one thing that will bring you closer to peace and stay committed to doing it, to staying aligned with Peace.


Peace with Self

Be at peace with who you are, if you are critical of yourself, become your best friend. A best friend does not judge or criticize, instead shows compassion and love for you, despite what may have occurred. A best friend celebrates you and your wins, as small as they may appear. A best friend offers words of comfort when you are down and does not tear you down, instead praises you just because. A best friend loves you just how you are.

Set time aside to be with Self, affirmative prayer, meditation. Delight in actions that bring you peace, smiling, listening to soothing music, taking a bath, lighting a candle. Taking in the many opportunities to enjoy the now, the present moment in peace.


Peace with Others

Be at peace in your relationships, if you are facing discord with another person in your own life, stay open to shifting from discord to peace. Can you have a conversation with the other person that leads to peace in the situation? If it is not entirely up to you, stay open to having the opportunity to do so by shifting the way you perceive and think about them. Do not look at them as an enemy, instead concentrate on a good quality they have and compliment them (in your head) for that quality. By doing so, you are concentrating on the good that they have, the good that you see in them.

Take a gentle view of your relationship and see where you can do better and have a vision for your relationship to live in peace. Chose peace in every opportunity you have in the situations you face daily; you attract what you are so peace will be yours. It may take time to get a resolution but stay with it, this is a process. Remember that everything is energy, your thoughts, words, and actions of peace surround you. You want to stay in the energy often to attract the peace in the relationships want to heal.

Be a peaceful place for others to land on, encourage others along the way, smile, praise, unite. Leave a loving imprint of you as you transact with others, this is how you shine your light. Looking outward to make a difference in others, takes the spotlight off you and your ‘troubles’, and leads to peace.


Peace around us

We face daily challenges when people around us do not behave as we would prefer. Instead of cursing them, attacking them (even if it is in your head), or confronting them; say “God Bless them.” I do this when I am about to say or am thinking something unpleasant about another person, including world leaders that are spreading darkness. By you blessing them instead of cursing them, you are keeping your power. They are not taking you down the dark alley with them. And by blessing them, you are shining your light on them. The more light that is shined on them, the less darkness they will spew and feel. Darkness is a void that gets filled with light.


Peaceful World

And on the world stage, let us all feast on the Vision of a Peaceful World. Hold the vision that the soldiers that are in battle will be touched by Light, they put down their arms and stop the fighting. We do that in our imagination, holding that vision of a Truth that we believe is possible. We counter the scenes that are broadcasted over the airwaves by holding that there is resolution. We keep the happy ending in mind always – a peaceful resolution of putting down arms, a peacefully united world.

I understand that some of this may sound woo woo, to some of you. I still would love for you to experiment and join the mass thought for peace. The more people that hold peace in their hearts, the louder the energy and voice that resonates in the Universe.


Guided to do more

And as we Spiritually hold the Vision bright in our hearts for peace, we can be called to act in other ways. By volunteering, participating in prayer vigils, financially, donating, opening our homes to the displaced. However, your heart is open to contributing and bringing peace to others during this turbulent time. Listen to the nudge for action, it is Spirit calling you to act.


Learning from Prayer

One of my go-to and favorite prayers is the Prayer of Saint Francis. I use this prayer as a reminder of how in darkness we can overcome with light.

Lord make Me an instrument of Your peace

Where there is hatred let me sow love.

Where there is injury, pardon.

Where there is doubt, faith.

Where there is despair, hope.

Where there is darkness, light.

Where there is sadness joy.

O Divine Master grant that I may

Not so much seek to be consoled as to console

To be understood, as to understand.

To be loved. as to love

For it’s in giving that we receive

And it’s in pardoning that we are pardoned

And it’s in dying that we are born…

To eternal life.


Believing in you!

Be Well and Have Fun!

Trust, Create, and Thrive!

For a recorded version, click here

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