How to make a great lasting impression in people’s minds

by | Oct 5, 2022 | 0 comments



Why would you want to leave a great lasting impression on people’s minds? Think of a person you’ve met who left a good impression in your mind. What are the emotions that you get when you think of them?

That person may evoke a smile from you just by thinking about them. Or perhaps you feel inspired and blessed to have met them and have them in your life. Every time you think of that person, it feels good.

While going through my breast cancer journey, I learned how to hold my energy at a higher frequency despite not feeling well because of the treatments and side effects. I learned to show up differently for people, which in turn gifted me an inflow of positive energy. I recycled that positiveness; it became infectious because those around me recognized that there was something different about me.

After I had completed the 16 rounds of chemo treatments, my nurse and staff at the cancer center missed me. I received a message from them to come back to visit, and anytime I show up for a checkup with my doctors, I am greeted by a cheerful celebration that makes me feel loved and welcomed.

So why would the medical staff feel differently about me than other patients? I showed up differently for them. I left a lasting positive impression on them.

Adopt the behaviors around the four Gs to create great lasting impressions in people’s minds and lives.


#1 G = Greeting

When people ask you, “How are you?” What is your go-to answer? “I am fine,” “can’t complain,”
“Hanging in there,” “Doing okay,” “Could be worse”.

Last week I had my bi-yearly dental appointment, and when my hygienist asked, “How are you doing?” My positive, frank, and immediate response were, “Fantastic! thank you – how are you? She responded, “wow- nobody ever gives me that response.”

Since experiencing a cancer journey, my answer has been consistently joyous, expressing my love for life. My automatic response is, “I’m fabulous, I’m doing awesome,” “Doing terrific, thank you!” And honestly, sometimes I may not feel it (at the time). But once I hear myself answer that way, the emotions and feelings follow.

You see, how you feel, the attitude you choose to embrace, and how you want to project life is your decision. Nothing outside you can steal your joy if you don’t let it or give it power. Feeling good positive emotions is an inside job. I understand that sometimes you may not feel good, happy, or “fantastic,” but saying that you are “hanging in there,” “surviving,” or doing” so- so” will only affirm the negative emotions. Why not work to get rid of that energy?

Feelings follow thought, and when you tell yourself, “I feel great,” or “I’m exhausted,” your mind and body respond. Your subconscious mind hears what you say and believes it. And your body reacts depending on what it hears.

Not only does your subconscious mind listen, but also the mind of people around you. Their mind becomes alert to how to respond to you. Will they have to put you at ease, try to make you feel good, or will they rejoice with you on how well you are doing?

It is a matter of whether you bring cheer or gloom into the other person’s life.

Experiment with this and see how you feel when people respond optimistically versus defeat when you ask them how they are. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings about that person. When you meet happy, optimistic people in your life, the energy around you expands, and it’s an uplifting feeling. On the other hand, when you meet a person who is not responding positively, your body constricts, and your mind goes on guard to examine how it should react.

You can choose to join their misery or respond optimistically regardless. The flow of energy between you will be different depending on your choice.


#2 G = Gratitude


Show a sense of gratitude everywhere you go. Get up each morning grateful for the day, life, the micro-moments, and breath. Bless everything in your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, as equally valued for the life experience it brings.

When you change the focus of life’s events to perceiving life with the eyes of gratitude, it allows you to live in the moment. It magically transforms the now into a joyful experience despite your circumstances. Focusing on the present will enable you to live from love, not fear what can happen.

The energy of gratitude is at the same vibration as abundance, so you are seen as a prosperous person. And you have a gracious nature that opens people’s hearts for you.


#3 G = Generosity


Being generous is not about giving money; it is a way of showing up for others. You are attentive, loving, encouraging, helpful, gracious, open-minded, and emotionally available.

If someone wants to talk, you are there for them. When you are talking with someone, they have your attention – no multitasking. There is no one more important than the person in front of you. They will feel it and mirror your actions if you behave that way.

In today’s fast-moving and ‘it’s all about me world, you will stand out amongst others simply by being generous as you interact with people.


#4 G = Grievance. You want to be grievance less, gripe less, grumble -less.

We can’t help ourselves share with others how much we may be hating life because something not desired occurred. We tend to want to commiserate with others as a means of bonding.

Some people do it occasionally, and others have seen as a constant complainer. When others see you coming, are you that person that makes them prepare to hear the latest catastrophe story?

When you complain, you are creating a gloomy, low-energy frequency around you, dragging people around you down to that frequency. Instead of dragging, commit to lifting people by communicating positive things in your life.

Believe me; there were times when I lived the cancer journey when it was a struggle not to complain. I had committed to maintaining a positive attitude, especially when I had an audience. I did not want to create energy where people felt sorry for me because I saw that as a detriment to healing.

​Your subconscious mind is always alert and willing to act on the prompts you give it. If I complained, I gave power to the events causing me to grumble. They did not need more power; I wanted the power directed to positive flow with healing.

When you complain, you are also resisting life’s flow. You are not taking in life as it comes and doing your best. You want a different circumstance (I get it) but complaining highlights the misery instead of what is going well for you.

Where your attention goes, energy flows; so, when you want good in your life concentrate on the good, not what is going wrong.

As you adopt a new way of being, acting, sharing, and communicating, you are raising yourself in everyone’s mind and creating a positive environment around you. Your behavior lifts people’s spirits, and they are delighted to share space and time with you. You are seen positively and will soon discover that your actions make a lasting impression in people’s minds.


Believing in You!

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