Transform Your Life with Inner Wisdom

by | Jun 10, 2024 | 0 comments

As a speaker, I’ve seen it time and time again. At the end of my engagements, attendees are filled with excitement and curiosity, eager to dive deeper into the journey of self-discovery and growth. Many take advantage of my complimentary one-hour “curious conversation” offered as a thank-you for attending. However, some initial enthusiasm fades away, replaced by fear and a return to old habits. This reaction is perfectly natural—there’s no judgment here.

We are creatures of habit, and breaking away from familiar patterns is challenging. Our internal cybernetic system, like a plane’s autopilot or a thermostat, kicks in when we deviate from our programmed direction. 

Our subconscious mind activates the nervous system, and fear becomes part of the equation. That fear voice gets loud, convincing us to stick to the status quo, even when we know deep down that change is necessary.

Your intuition is your inner guide, activating nudges, ideas, and situations to help you grow. It leads you toward your true path. However, our operating system—the human body—often mistakes these changes for danger, alerting us to perceived threats. We’ve been trained to listen to this fear, making it difficult to break away from the norm, even for those who are attuned to their intuitive nudges.

Even the highly trained confronts this whenever they hear from intuition and are called to step into something new. For me, whether it’s hosting a speaking engagement or following the nudge to sell my house, intuition plays a crucial role. I’ve just learned that my inner knowing always guides me towards a greater life.  Let me share two examples:

First, the case of my lost glasses. One day, while gardening, my glasses fell from my head without noticing. Later, when I needed them, I realized they were missing. I felt they were in the garden, but where? Instead of panicking, I sat down, closed my eyes, and asked, “Where are my glasses?”  Within moments, I had a vision of my lavender bush and my glasses. I checked, and there they were! They had fallen inside the bush, hidden from sight. Using my intuition saved me hours of searching.

Second, the decision to sell my house. During meditation, I heard, “Sell your house.” I argued with the voice, as it was a home we had intended to be our forever home. But knowing I had to follow the instructions, my husband and I sold the house, drawing a quarter million dollars above the list price, right before the market fell. There is a long story of what followed, but the point is that we are in a better place now than we were before the sale.

Intuition is our inner knowing. It detects, foresees, and can save us from heartache, pain, and tears if we exercise that muscle. It pays off to listen. I invite you to start aligning with your inner wisdom. 

One way to begin is by establishing a morning practice. I follow a protocol every morning, and this practice has strengthened my relationship with infinite intelligence and myself. If you are interested in developing this practice subscribe here

You can trust your intuition. It’s your greatest ally on the journey to unlocking your true potential.

Believing in You!

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