Please, No More Bad News

by | Jun 1, 2022 | 0 comments

Not Another Shooting . . .

With the events of prior weeks, how are you doing? Are you feeling a heavy heart and would like to contribute in some way?

You mourn with a nation of families who have lost a loved one way too soon. There is a wave of fear that is being produced in young men. What can we do? Do we stand idle until the next shooting and give to the latest Fund Me account?

Ignore or Indulge in Bad News

I tend to want to gobble up the news when tragedies occur, but I know it’s not good for me and others around me. I know some people deal with it by turning off the news completely. Finding a balance between staying connected and taking care of yourself is key. By consuming negative information your nervous system reacts with a stance of fright, flight, and freeze. Your thoughts and feelings have an energetic frequency that influences your physiology.

As a member of humankind, you can’t make a spiritual bypass on what is going on. “The content of your life is the curriculum in your evolution,” says my teacher, Mary Morrissey. How do you find a balance between being informed and avoiding lower vibrational frequencies that negatively affect your mind, body, and spirit?

The Map of Consciousness

The Map of Consciousness
Dr. David Hawkins created the Map of Consciousness to illustrate the spectrum of human emotions. It was deduced by muscle testing and the vibrational frequency in Megahertz.

As you can see the lowest level is Shame, Neutrality is at 250, and Love, Joy, and Peace are at the higher levels.

Honor Your Emotions

When we experience tragedy, our energy levels are in grief. So how do we stay informed and hold a higher vibrational frequency in our lives? It takes rigor and the ability to notice your state of being throughout the day.

Feeling your emotions is important to stay connected with humanity. It’s also essential to notice when you are living in a lower-level frequency for too long. You can shift your thoughts and feelings. Causing yourself to feel higher level emotions start with recognizing your patterns of thought and how they affect your body.

Neutralizing the Emotion

When you hear bad news, how does your body feel? There is a constriction that can turn into the tightness of your muscles, shallow breathing, anxiety, and even nausea. The best way to break the frequency of the negativity that is running through your body is to breathe. Breathe at your own pace forming a rhythm that makes you relax.

As you breathe yourself back to the moment of awareness, shift your thinking to Gratitude. “I am grateful for my feelings of empathy. I am grateful, I am safe, I am well.” The point is to have a statement that allows you to shift your feelings so you can take an action step that will make you feel better.

For instance, a simple action step is to send a prayer of love and light to those that are hurting. And as you demonstrate your higher awareness, you also want to send your love, kindness, and compassion to the assailant and their family.

Forgiveness Is Powerful

Understandably, during a tragedy, sometimes you tend to concentrate on the victims. And you can make such a difference in your life and others by having a forgiving heart. Every opportunity that provides the gift of forgiveness, is to be valued and acted on. This is what builds your spiritual muscle.

When you can see the assailant as a fearful person that perhaps has an illness, or a belief system of hatred, and you can feel compassion for them, then you are to be congratulated as a person who can remain in Flow more often. That is your goal.

Contributing to the Energetic Frequency of the World

Staying in Flow more often will also contribute to the world. You are a Spiritual being with an energetic frequency and the more people that stay in the higher vibration of Flow, the better for the world. In A Course in Miracles, it says that there are only two emotions: Love and Fear. Commit yourself to seek Love always.



A way to grow your spiritual muscle is to start a practice that centers you and aligns you with Spirit. I have created the My Morning Practice ebook. I invite you to request your copy from the main page of my website or my Blog page.

One of my dreams is to contribute to a kind, loving world and a way you can help me is to share this page with others who may be wanting to add spiritual practices to their lives. And people who are having a difficult time with our current events. You never know, perhaps this message and ebook will help them.

I had good feedback from last week’s blog, some of you liked my references to previous messages. Learn more about how to make a difference by reading the following . . .

And if you have questions, comments, or just want to share, please contact me at 925 202 1042 or

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