Path to Contentment

by | Oct 24, 2023 | 0 comments

Success is not the key to happiness.  Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”      ~ Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Path to Contentment:

Are you on the right path to achieving success?

Have you ever yearned for a life filled with meaning and contentment, where every day feels like a step toward your true purpose?

I believe we are all on that journey of discovery. This is why the average person switches careers from 3 to 7 times during their working lives.

And why, when people asked about their regrets at the end of life, not following their purpose was at the top of their list.

Defining Purpose:

Living your purpose means discovering a path characterized by a profound sense of fulfillment and well-being. It’s about aligning your life with your inner calling rather than following external expectations.

Achieving this alignment isn’t as complex as it may seem, but it does require a certain mindset.  Living a life aligned with your calling isn’t just a dream; it’s an attainable state of being.

The Challenges to Finding Your Purpose:

In a world that often prioritizes societal standards and comparisons, it’s easy to lose sight of your true calling. We’re frequently entangled in pursuing success according to external definitions rather than listening to our inner voice.

Jack Canfield, the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, said the world would be perfect if we followed our purpose. There would be enough doctors, plumbers, and teachers, and everyone would be happy. I couldn’t agree more. When we follow our calling, we find fulfillment and contribute to a harmonious world where every role is valued and appreciated.

For instance, my daughter graduated with a degree in English and Art History, but she entered the business world. Despite making friends and enjoying her job, she ultimately confided in me, saying, “I don’t want to do this anymore; I don’t like the business environment.”

As a coach, I asked her, “What would you love to do?” She expressed her desire to be a teacher despite the financial challenges it presented. A similar conversation with her father led to the suggestion of becoming an attorney, driven by the wish for her financial success.

Choosing the Path of Your Heart:

My daughter followed her heart and became an English high school teacher. Although it came with its challenges, she found fulfillment and inner peace because she was living her purpose. When we heed the call of our inner voice, remarkable things transpire.

She’s found fulfillment in teaching, and life has supported her. Opportunities have opened up in unexpected ways. Like leading her department, a role she initially doubted because of more experienced colleagues.

Fear is a normal part of life but can stop us from moving forward. Understanding why we have fears can empower us, and learning how to overcome them is where our growth happens. For my client, recognizing the connection between her teacher’s comment and her limiting beliefs helped her regain her confidence and pursue success.

Listening to Life’s Signals:

I also think there would be fewer diseases because we would all be on purpose, fulfilled on our destined path. I believe that when we’re in alignment with our true calling, our physical and emotional well-being improves.

There was a time in my business career when my body spoke to me with high anxiety and depleted energy. Around the same time, my inner voice started asking, “Is that all there is in life?”

By being in that job, my body told me to move to something else, and my Higher Self whispered thoughts that eventually led me to life coaching.

The stresses that come from living a life that doesn’t resonate with our hearts can lead to illness. We find fulfillment and contribute to our overall health and well-being by following our inner voices.

Embark on Your Journey:

Discovering your purpose is a personal journey, but you don’t have to embark on it alone. I am often asked: how do I find my purpose?

Ask yourself, “What would I love?” leaving time to hear the answer. The noise of the business of our lives can get in the way of our discovery. But you know the answer. We may need to walk in nature, journal, or meditate.

The thing is that life is constantly sending signals nudging us to our next steps. We are just not accustomed to listening and following that wisdom.

Welcoming Support Can be the Answer

Each of us knows, and some prefer not to listen because of the changes we are called to make. By not listening, you’ve shut the avenue of communication and shoved your inner desires to follow the external expectation path.

If this is you, and you want to reconnect with your inner wisdom and break free from societal expectations, my 12-week program is here to assist you.

My program helps you rediscover the voice within and align with your most authentic self. It guides you through a 10-step process to attain fulfillment that unlocks your potential and leads you to a life in harmony with your soul’s desires.

Hesitating to move forward and not listening only leads to more of the same. So, if you are ready to create a different flow to your life, move to receive a structure of support to live a free and fulfilled life.

Join our 12-week Program and create a life filled with meaning, contentment, and success. Reply to this email to set up a time to learn more. Let’s create a world where everyone follows their calling and a sense of purpose prevails.


Believing in You!

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