Manifesting Your Easter Sunday

by | Apr 20, 2022 | 0 comments

“Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday.”
~ Cardinal Fulton Sheen

You curse the times when you are facing a dark night; perhaps an illness, a broken relationship, financial difficulties, or plain tough circumstances brought by your decisions. And often you don’t connect that without the trials in your life, you would not have the peeks of goodness and happiness. We live in the world of polarity; the ebbs and flows of life keep us on our green edge of growth.

Wanting a Perfect Life

You may be a person who describes a perfect life as one without turmoil, tough times, or bad news. You desire peace, calmness, and steady living, and when waves of disruption arise your instincts of protection are engaged in resistance. This is a normal reaction, your innate instinct of fight, flight, and freeze employs for your protection.

From Good Friday to Easter Sunday

The quote above says that without a Good Friday, there can’t be an Easter Sunday. Christians celebrated Easter Sunday, which is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. After being crucified and put to death on Good Friday, he rose again. Have you thought of your challenges in that way before? Have you thought of your life as a sequence of Good Fridays and Easter Sundays? Perhaps not until now – right?

To go a bit deeper, Jesus knew he was going to face death; he went into the Garden of Gethsemane to pray and find the answers. Likewise, instead of reacting with resistance, you can go into your own garden of reflection when you are in a dark chapter of life.

A Personal Story

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, the most important thing I did was to reflect and figure out the best way to navigate the time between my good Friday (diagnosis day) and my Easter Sunday. I decided to submit myself to what was ahead instead of resisting it. What you resist persists, so accepting it and moving forward was vital. I also decided to make time count; why face it as a loom and gloom and leave a bad impression on those around me. Instead, look forward to each day bringing light and joy into situations even though it may not be easy.

It could be an arduous day

The longest day of my treatment was surgery day when I was at the hospital at 7 am and came home close to 10 pm. When I first thought of the day, there was a contraction within me, and my mind said – “that is gonna be a long day!” Then, I decided, I could either make it drag more by thinking it was going to be a long and arduous day, or I could live every moment to its fullest.

A good decision

That decision helped reframe the day and worked to keep me positive and aware of how I was living into that decision. The day consisted of visiting several hospital departments, each owning a piece of getting me ready for the surgery at 2:45 pm. My commitment to bringing light, being joyful, and being present with each interaction assisted me in building rapport and having all those around me treat me with love and care. The day flew by as I imprinted in the minds of the people, I touched that day, my gratitude and love for them and their profession.

As a consequence of deciding to live my health journey in a certain way was that I now call it one of the most Spiritual times in my life. You see, I practiced daily what I now teach as a life coach.

Practicing the teachings

I teach tools that work to provide new ways of thinking to live a fuller, love-filled life. You have a choice on how to face life; you are likely facing it with the spectacles that were passed down from your parents and role models. You have beliefs unique to you that frame the way you see your life. What I teach is a new way of thinking that generates life at every opportunity. A way of being that puts you at a higher vibration of living that allows you to manifest the desires of your heart.

Invitation to Lifework . . .


Whether you are facing a difficult time, or not, apply a new way of thinking to your life.

  • Rise up and welcome each morning in gratitude for the new beginning of each day.
  • Inquire within about what will bring you joy that day and decide to live into it.
  • Wear your golden vestment of gratitude everywhere you go and show it off as much as you can.
  • Honor yourself with a moment of grace, a time of reflection, or simple conscious living; like slowing down to wash your hands, or when eating, or making that special call to a dear person you love.
  • Stay true to yourself, and your beliefs and act in alignment with who you are and or want to be.

Please feel invited to attend my monthly masterclass. In this class, I teach principles that will help you calibrate your life into one you would love. You will leave with action steps to continue your work. I look forward to seeing you there 😊

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