When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

by | Aug 21, 2023 | 0 comments

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” It’s an expression to encourage optimism and a positive can-do attitude in the face of adversity. Lemons suggest sourness or difficulty in life. Making lemonade turns them into something positive or desirable.

So, do you have a lemonade mindset? When experiencing a challenge, what is your typical response?

Some people may cross their fingers and hide under the covers. Others will pray, hope, and wish things improve while watching the situation unfold.

We are creating results based on how we react to the situation. And when we can’t change the event or situation, we can change our perception.

It was remarkable to watch clips of Maui fire victims who had lost everything but the clothes on their backs. The amount of optimism and love for the life they had. They have a lemonade mindset, where they can be in the middle of a horrendous experience and still see the upside.

Squeeze Lemonade:

Having a lemonade mindset is essential to navigate life more at ease. We can create mental and physical health troubles if we hold on to our negative mindset and choose suffering and victimhood.

When you have a lemonade mindset, you are optimistic about the future and feel confident and in control. This affects your self-esteem, and energetically it helps you develop solutions.

Dr. Wayne Dyer used to ask, “What do you get when you squeeze an orange?” The obvious answer is “orange juice.”

He used oranges to explain that we react to things based on who we are. An orange gives orange juice because that’s what’s inside it. Similarly, if we’re filled with positivity, that’s how we’ll react. If we’re more on the negative side, well, you know what will come out.

The Lemonade Recipe:

You are who you are. But the good news is that you can change. Here are a few tips on creating a more uplifting lemonade mindset.

Practice gratitude: Have a gratitude journal where you jot down five things you are grateful for in the morning and evening.

Have a personal mantra or affirmation: Tell yourself a statement reminding you that all is well, no matter what is happening. Such as “Everything is always working out well for me.” “I am successful.” “I can…”.

Do something that lights you up: It can be from going out to nature for a walk, lighting candles or aromatherapy (joyful smells, of course), listening to music, watching comedy, or subscribing to Joke of the Day.

Give back / volunteer: Giving to others boosts your self-esteem, self-satisfaction and helps you see your gifts.

Celebrate Yourself: Go down memory lane, jot down your accomplishments, and review when you feel gloomy.

The point of practicing habits that breed optimism is to become that person. The more we do something, the more it becomes innate in us. It’s just like driving a car; initially, you pay attention to every move, and eventually, you can operate efficiently.

Making Sweeter Lemonade:

Mindset wants But, if you are still feeling stuck, you may have tried these tools, and making it into a habit was hard. It’s time for a deeper dive. This weekend I have an In-Person workshop where we will explore decisions and how to create the results you want.

It is a workshop where you will walk away with an actionable plan. You will be inspired to act and stay on track. Gain clarity of the life you want and can create and know precisely how successful people produce results.

And, if you feel confident about your optimism, you can still take your life to the next level. This workshop is designed to meet you where you are since we are ever evolving and growing.  Join us and step into your next best self.

I’ll see you there! So, let’s create a sweet lemonade mindset.

Go to the Events page and Register!

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