by livingrealitydreams | Aug 24, 2022 | Uncategorized
Stop Trying Harder Trying harder leads to diminishing returns Trying harder does not lead to better results; there is a point of diminishing returns when trying harder actually leads to being less effective. Dr. Price Pritchett tells a story of a fly in the book You²....
by livingrealitydreams | Aug 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
How to Reduce Struggle In Your Life and Produce the Results You Want Allowing struggle mode to affect my health The struggle you wrestle with while undergoing a circumstance can be debilitating and cause even more damage than the situation itself. I remember when I...
by livingrealitydreams | Aug 10, 2022 | Uncategorized
Get Out of Your Own Way to Achieving Results Get out of your own way by wanting perfection and create the results you want was finalizing the book I’ve written and kept re-reading and wanting to make changes. I kept tapping on the breaks, delaying, and getting...
by livingrealitydreams | Aug 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
How To Stop Feeling Like A Victim Once And For All! I have a client who has had a lot of childhood trauma, has done forgiveness work, and has been in therapy to move forward with their life. They continue to hold on to their story and feel stuck because they are...
by livingrealitydreams | Jul 20, 2022 | Uncategorized
Navigating Change The one thing we can always count on is change, so how can you navigate it better. As we move through life, change is the one thing around the corner. Whether the condition is changing for the better or not, we tend to resist it. We seek comfort,...
by livingrealitydreams | Jul 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
Letting Situations Get the Better of You How to stop letting situations get the better of you When you feel frustrated, tired, or overwhelmed, you can let the circumstances get the better of you. Noticing the unskilled behavior As my husband and I were driving to...