Seeds for the Soul
Comparing Yourself to Others
Something is wrong with meWhat is wrong with me? I am 40 years old, unmarried, without a relationship, have not found my purpose or passion. This is what I heard from a person recently. My question for them was, “why would you say there is anything wrong with you?”...
Take Two with a Re-do
Have you ever regretted saying or doing something? I think we’ve all experienced times when we regretted our unskilled behavior. We may say something that hurts someone’s feelings or do something that we later understand was not our best behavior. But what do we do...
Shine Your Light
What stops you from moving forward with your goal or dream? Are you afraid of shining your light because of who will be left behind? Are you hesitating because you fear what it will do to people around you? You think, "why rock the boat? Our relationship is going so...
Inspiration of Real–Life ExperiencesYou may have seen the movie The Secret that made the Law of attraction famous. This spiked the interest of many on how we can manifest what you desire, and I was one of them.Have you heard the story of how Jim Carey as a starving,...
Staying Positive is Not the Answer
Is positive thinking really the answer?Part of the message with personal development is to be positive, see the good, and concentrate on what is good in your life. That messaging deters you from focusing on victimhood or feeling sorry for yourself. Yes, there is no...
An Easy Way To Connect With Spirit and Guide Your Year
Some people live ninety years; others live one year 90 times. ~ Mary MorrisseyAn Easy way to Connect with Spirit and Guide Your YearAs the new year starts, you may be thinking of ways of forming new habits and creating a different type of year. Einstein said,...
The Right Mindset for Welcoming a New Year
Auld Lang Syne is a song that many English-speaking cultures sing on the last day of the year; most of us are more familiar with the melody than the words. It means “old long since” or ‘for the sake of old times. I love that! It is about celebrating the year we’ve...
Feeling Conflicted
What to do when you feel conflicted about something?One of the most depleting energy suckers we make ourselves live through is when we are playing out what-if scenarios in our mind about decisions we’ve made, or we are going to make. We want to attend the party, but...
What are the dreams in your heart?
As you start setting goals and intentions for the coming year, I recommend changing your perspective on how to go about it. Often, we look at what we want to accomplish; for instance, “next year, I am going to do XYZ.” Common goals people have is to exercise, eat less...
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