Seeds for the Soul

What is Your Calling?

What is Your Calling?

Are you being called?Is there something in your heart that continues to pull you in a particular direction? Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith has a saying that says, "You are pushed by your pain and pulled by a vision." For more than 30 years, New Mexico has been calling me....

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Life is Speaking to You

Life is Speaking to You

Listen to the message in the streak of bad luckIf misfortune seems to follow you, one thing after another. It is time to reflect and see why. When I was a single mom and divorced for a few years, I experienced a series of auto accidents. I had three rear-impact car...

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Seek Joy and Be Happy

Seek Joy and Be Happy

“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”~Abraham LincolnSeek Joy and Be Happy"I will be happy when XWYZ happens" is a condition-based existence. Letting the exterior situations dictate how you feel. Do you tend to think that you will be happy once...

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“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”~Albert EinsteinProblem–Solving and OverthinkingWhat do you do when you have a problem? Generally, we play it in our head as if replaying it would solve it. Right? You may even replay...

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Step Into Your Greatness

Step Into Your Greatness

What does success mean to you? Does it mean attaining a certain amount of wealth, being a good parent, or having a happy and loving life? Each person has their definition of success. Whatever success you seek, you strive to get and meet challenges. It is the process...

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Decision Making 101

Decision Making 101

There is a direct correlation between success and decision-making. Napoleon Hill studied the 500 most successful people. He found that "Successful people quickly and firmly. Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly and change them often." Most people struggle with...

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Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparing Yourself to Others

Something is wrong with meWhat is wrong with me? I am 40 years old, unmarried, without a relationship, have not found my purpose or passion. This is what I heard from a person recently. My question for them was, “why would you say there is anything wrong with you?”...

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Take Two with a Re-do

Take Two with a Re-do

Have you ever regretted saying or doing something? I think we’ve all experienced times when we regretted our unskilled behavior. We may say something that hurts someone’s feelings or do something that we later understand was not our best behavior. But what do we do...

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Shine Your Light

Shine Your Light

What stops you from moving forward with your goal or dream? Are you afraid of shining your light because of who will be left behind? Are you hesitating because you fear what it will do to people around you? You think, "why rock the boat? Our relationship is going so...

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