Seeds for the Soul
Navigating Change
The one thing we can always count on is change, so how can you navigate it better.As we move through life, change is the one thing around the corner. Whether the condition is changing for the better or not, we tend to resist it. We seek comfort, routine, and safety....
Letting Situations Get the Better of You
How to stop letting situations get the better of youWhen you feel frustrated, tired, or overwhelmed, you can let the circumstances get the better of you. Noticing the unskilled behaviorAs my husband and I were driving to church on Sunday, I noticed that I was not...
Manifesting Your Desires
Manifesting your desires requires a commitment to your values and saying no to some things. The gift of desire is one of the energies required to help us have the things we would love. There are instances when we mute our senses and stop dreaming, thinking that we...
Creating Successful Projects Despite Feeling Defeated Even Before Starting
If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you. – Les BrownCreating successful projects despite feeling defeated even before starting. Sometimes the things we must do seem overwhelming,...
Let Go and Let Flow Into Your Life
If you are stuck in your old way, then you are not in the FlowLast week we talked about being more like water and learning to flow with life. Letting go and letting Infinite work thru us to fulfill our greater purpose. When we let go, we grow. There was a time in my...
The Relationships That Challenge You The Most
During our toughest situations, it’s when we find greater possibilities for growth.The relationships that challenge you the most, are the ones that can help to transform your life.Learning to be in the flow, like waterImagine a stream of water, a river, or shallow...
Creating an Abundance Mindset
I do not have enough“I don’t have enough money”, “I don’t have enough energy”, and “I don’t have enough time” are statements we make as we walk with life. It is the mainstream mentality in our world to come from a state of lack. And that way of thinking also affects...
Please, No More Bad News
Not Another Shooting . . .With the events of prior weeks, how are you doing? Are you feeling a heavy heart and would like to contribute in some way? You mourn with a nation of families who have lost a loved one way too soon. There is a wave of fear that is being...
Always do your best
I do not feel goodWhen you feel sick do you tend to take time to heal, and then make sure people know as you continue to inform your audience “I don’t feel good” Or do you tend to ignore your symptoms and use your mental power to make you feel better? No matter how...
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