Always do your best

by | May 25, 2022 | 0 comments

I do not feel good

When you feel sick do you tend to take time to heal, and then make sure people know as you continue to inform your audience “I don’t feel good”

Or do you tend to ignore your symptoms and use your mental power to make you feel better? No matter how you feel, you keep working, doing, and believing that giving credence to the illness will make you feel worst?

I love the fourth principle of The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It allows us to both honor our bodies when we are not feeling well and enact the power of our mind to stay in the flow of life by doing our best. (Read the previous three blogs to learn about the first three agreements.)

Always Do Your Best

The fourth agreement says “Always do your best – Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as posed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.”

Sharing my Story:

I’ve done both above scenarios; played the victim role when I was sick and ignored my body symptoms putting my mind at work and affirming wellness.

As a young girl, I would love being sick. Yes, I loved being sick because of the attention I received from my mother. In my mind, this was the time when she would give me 100% of herself by making special food, homemade remedies, and loving care.  As a mother of five, her hands were full of taking care of her home and putting food on our table. But when one of her children was sick, she would put everything on hold to take care of us.

As an adult, I also prided myself on the fact of not calling sick at school and work – no matter what.  This way of being started after receiving a perfect attendance award at school. I learned that showing up daily brought value to others.

As a certified transformational wellness and healing life coach, I now have a different perspective. I believe in honoring your body to recover from illness, and I also believe in the power of our mind to heal you and reduce recovery time. While living with cancer, I used methods that worked to reduce symptoms, side-effects and help my body heal.



When you are feeling down, tired, and even physically sick decide that you will do your best regardless.

Remember that your best changes as you change, so gift yourself self-love. Stay tuned to your body’s signals to rest, eat and move to nurture it. When you fall ill, take time off to recuperate with the understanding that you are doing what is required to take care of yourself.

I suggest you stay away from telling everyone that you are sick, just let those that must know. You do not want the negative energy of the illness to circulate all around you, so you inform that you require self-nourishment and will soon be fully recovered to serve how you would customarily do.

While you are sick tell yourself “I am bringing my very best to this moment” and “Every day in every way, I get better and better” Both these affirmations have a positive charge that can help you recover.

I love what I do. I coach people who may be facing tough circumstances or wanting to uplevel their results. The curriculum of our lives is for our evolution, so staying in a growth path will avail you of opportunities you have not dreamt of. I encourage you to read some of my previous blogs if you are facing a difficult health situation, or if you just want to form new habits that to create even better results in your life.

Embrace Better Health

Practices for Growth

Raise Your Spirit with Praise
What is the Answer to the Problem?

And, if you would like to learn more, schedule a call with Edna. A complimentary discovery session is meant for the discovery and clarity of the dreams in your heart. It’s time to honor and love yourself.

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