The Right Mindset for Welcoming a New Year

Auld Lang Syne is a song that many English-speaking cultures sing on the last day of the year; most of us are more familiar with the melody than the words. It means “old long since” or ‘for the sake of old times. I love that!
It is about celebrating the year we’ve completed and looking forward to next year.
These times, we hear comments about how awful 2022 was and how much we look forward to a better year. Aren’t these the usual comments of every year recently, if you think about it, right?
We tend to think about the trials we face. If you are thinking about how you overcame them to pat yourself on the back, that is a good thing.
But if it is to relive them in your mind and feel sorry for yourself, then change your perspective.
So rather than agreeing with the comments of what a bad year we’ve just experienced and concentrating on what may have gone ‘wrong,’ we can welcome the new year by focusing on the good things that happened.
Yes, there may have been some challenging times, and we are not discounting them. It just means not to deliberate too long on them. Contemplate just enough to understand what golden nuggets you can gather from the situation.
Mary Morrissey says, “The content of our lives is the curriculum of our evolution.” This is right with how everything we experience has made us who we are.
Bless who you are, who you have become this year, all the learnings, all the opportunities (sometimes disguised as challenges), and the genius in you who will continue to thrive.
Einstein said, “Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot be but to get that reality.”
The energy we want for the new year is positive; we want our reality to be prosperous.
Let’s ring in the New Year with the belief and expectation that we will be prosperous throughout 2023.
May Love, Joy, and Prosperity reign in your life in the years ahead.