Logic v Intuition
Logic v Intuition
Personal Story
Lesson Learned
Manifested the love of my life
Living more aligned
Living aligned with your source is inspired via modalities like mediation, a walk-in nature, journaling, dancing, and others, you then listen, and take steps as you are nudged. It also means to live in Faith and Trust that there is a Source that wants the best for you. It takes rigor because we are constantly being pulled by our old habits, thoughts, and beliefs that were instilled in us since we were babies.
It works like a light switch, sometimes you are on, and other times you are off. The point is to live on, more than off to be in a flow of life that feels freeing, peace, and a knowing that everything will work out.
Because we are brought up planning, strategizing, controlling, our paradigms play in our heads to continue living using logic instead of trusting our intuition. Learning to live expansively is part of the journey of mastering our lives and way of connecting with God.
We are spiritual beings, living a human experience. As we endeavor to live our best life, we use both parts of ourselves to navigate life.
Invitation to Lifework . . .
By examining my results and noticing how different it feels to live expansively versus continuing to control and worry about getting at what I want, I decided to lean into the work of aligning with Spirit’s Laws. This has led to a shift in my life, my thinking, my attitudes, and overall results.
I invite you to do a self-examination of ways you may be planning, controlling, manipulating to receive the results you want in life.
Have you had similar experiences that despite planning, things did not pan out as you expected?
If so, what did you learn from your experience?
If not, regardless of the outcome, was it stressful to control and direct the situation?
Have you in the past or now hear your inner wisdom nudging you to do things differently?
Are you listening or ignoring it?
If you are not hearing from your small voice (intuition), would you like to?
Do you see the benefit of working with Spirit to live a more expansive life?
I know it can be scary to even entertain discovering the Spiritual part of you to help you navigate life. It means commitment, Faith, Trust, and Belief in your higher Source. It also means breaking away from the chains of the paradigms that keep you stuck in a way of being.
If you would like to learn more, call me. I’d love to help you discover how to live more expansively.
Watch my Facebook live on this subject — https://fb.watch/aWK1TsDJ-z/