Life Can Change In An Instant

by | Apr 27, 2022 | 0 comments

“The path of your life can change in an instant.”
~ Ann Brashares

Life can change in an instant

I found myself in the waiting room of Emergency at my local hospital this weekend. We received a call that my aunt was being driven by ambulance because she had had some type of seizure. No more information was given, for more than an hour my sister and I waited for news. In the meantime, the ‘What Ifs’ of supposed scenarios played in our heads.

Last week I received news that a friend was hit by a car while walking her dogs. She is now in the throes of a long recuperation journey.

Grateful for the reminder

Thankfully in both cases, the worst-case scenarios did not play out. My aunt is back home being monitored, and my friend will be home soon to be cared for by her loving family as she journeys back.

Pay IT Forward

April 28th is Pay It Forward Day. We are all encouraged to participate in the global movement to engage in acts of kindness. Do something kind for someone that is not expecting it.

I propose to have each day be a Pay It Forward day. There is greatness and good for every person concerned when that occurs. In my study of the Spiritual Laws, there is a way of being called – being a Person of Increase. (Based on The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles)

Leave an Impression of Increase

Being a person of increase means that by your actions, you leave an impression of increase everywhere you go. In every interaction you have with others, they are blessed by your actions. It is about shining your light in the world despite the situations or conditions that you face.

Leading with your Actions

Your actions can be small, such as a simple smile. Or they can be rigorous, such as doing your best at work despite the conditions or environment. The tendency is that when you are dissatisfied, your attitude and work performance at work will decline.

By doing your best, you become the best

As a Person of Increase, when you don’t allow the circumstances that may tend to bring you down to affect your performance, you are in fact on your way to getting the job that you want. Why? Because you are living at a higher frequency vibration. You are doing your best, no matter what; and you are not affected by the conditions in your life.

In other words, who you are, and what you do is not dependent on what is happening around you. You become the master of your being, consciously moving about the world intending only to do good things. You master your reactions to ensure your imprint is a positive one. This is one of the ways to attract good things to you. When you are acting for the good, you will receive the good, and you will tend to see the good in everything around you.

Invitation to Lifework . . .


Commit to being a Person of Increase, take it one day at a time, and an action at a time. Examples of what people who are leaving an impression on others of increase do.


  • They carry a smile, a hello, and a thank you readily available to all.
  • They congratulate and are happy when others succeed.
  • They put back the cart at the grocery store.
  • They don’t litter or leave a negative trace behind them.
  • They respond with kindness, instead of reacting from fear (anger, judgment, blame, guilt) in their relationships.

Conscious Intention to do good

The point is to start small and build habits that feel good. You can notice your thoughts and emotions so as you see them in decline, pivot, and change course. The more intentional you are at living at a higher vibration, the more likely you are to practice it daily. As you see your day unfold, take a breath to calibrate your attitude towards leaving a sense of increase with everyone you touch.

A kind glance at your actions

At the end of your day, take a kind glance at your day and your actions. Use this as a feedback moment to improve, not as a beat-up moment to judge yourself. Then wherever you could have done better, make a note of those things and do better next time. And most importantly, celebrate the moments when your action reflected how you want to be seen by others.

Celebrate your journey

Celebrate by being grateful, and I encourage you to write down a list of the good habits you are forming. When you need encouragement to continue, look at that list of the good and transformation that is occurring in you for your growth.

Be patient with yourself and keep going. Small steps can take you all the way up Mt Everest, so the goal is to keep moving and growing.

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