“Remember that when you truly want something, the entire Universe conspires to make it happen.” 
~ Paulo Coelho

Sometimes, we find ourselves amid relentless challenges, and it’s natural to wonder if we are being tested or even punished.

As we navigate these difficulties, it’s easy to compare our situation to others’ seemingly charmed lives and think, “Why do they have it so easy while I’m struggling?” It can feel as though life favors them and leaves us behind.

A Personal Story:

I’d like to share a personal story that might shed some light on how challenges can be blessings in disguise.

At one point in my life, I was a single mother who had experienced considerable business success. However, my career and financial stability hung in the balance when the financial markets took a nosedive in 2008/2009. I lost my job, and the job market was bleak, particularly in my field of expertise.

I decided to draw on my banking experience and accepted a job as a credit union manager. I enjoyed the job and the opportunity to help people with their finances.

Asking for what I want:

managing a branch that operated seven days a week, especially when I had young children at home, became overwhelming.

One day, after an especially grueling day at work, I cried in my car on the way home. I spoke to God (out loud) about my situation, expressing my love for my job and desire for a change.

I outlined three specific criteria for a new job:

  • A job with a regular schedule, to spend weekends with my children.
  • A position at a good company with competitive pay and excellent benefits.
  • A location within a 15-minute commute from my home without having to navigate the freeway.

As I poured out my heart, my phone rang, and I answered it. A friend informed me of a job opportunity at her workplace. Without hesitation, I emailed her my resume and was scheduled for an interview.

Misfortune Happens:

the day before the interview, an unexpected event shook me. The credit union where I worked was robbed by four armed individuals who placed a gun on my head and demanded that I open the vault. Those two minutes felt like an eternity. I complied, and they left with $33,000.

The robbery left me rattled, and despite my anxiety, I attended the interview anyway. I brought the newspaper clipping of the theft as evidence of my ordeal. I explained to the interviewer that I was still recovering from the shock but wished to proceed.

To my surprise, I was offered the job, and it met all the criteria I had outlined. My daily commute was just about 15 minutes, and often less.

I share this story because it illustrates that sometimes, the path to what we desire may initially appear challenging. We might be attached to our current circumstances, making it difficult to embrace change. However, unexpected events, like the robbery in my case, can make us decide to pursue our desires clearer and more immediately.

My Prayers are Answered:

In my new job, I thrived, worked myself up to eventually becoming the manager, and received more significant financial compensation than if I had stayed at the credit union and even my previous career.

I would encourage you to consider this principle in your own life. Have you ever hesitated to pursue something you desired because it seemed too difficult or painful in the short term? Perhaps you held onto a situation that was less than ideal because the prospect of change felt daunting.

For instance, when the father of my children and I divorced, I wasn’t fully committed to the idea, and it caused prolonged pain and uncertainty. I kept dwelling on the “what ifs,” which hindered my healing process.

Sometimes, it’s better to rip off the Band-Aid and endure short-term discomfort rather than prolong your suffering.

It Happens to all of us:

A friend of mine found herself in a miserable marriage but dreamed of a loving, supportive relationship. She started affirming her desires, hoping her marriage would change. Instead, her husband asked for a divorce. She went through the pain of divorce, but just four months later, she found the love she had envisioned.

This is where the Law of Sacrifice comes into play. It suggests we must let go of the lesser to attain the greater. In my story and my friend’s, we eventually received what we wanted, which required enduring the pain of leaving behind what was no longer serving us.

So, if you’re currently facing a significant challenge in your life, I invite you to shift your perspective. Consider that these challenges might be happening to pave the way for the life you truly desire.

You are not Alone:

Change is difficult, especially when rattled with changes, but this is when the most remarkable transformations can occur.

I often say, ‘In our most challenging moments is when seeds of greatness are born.” I discovered the trueness of this statement when I was going through cancer.

As you navigate life’s circumstances, remember you don’t have to go alone. Seeking support during challenging times can lighten the load. That’s why I invite you to a session to help you take the following steps toward the life you would love.

When you can’t see the bouquet for the rose, that is an opportune time to contact me. I’d love to support you steer past the challenge faster than you can alone. I can provide the clarity to move forward in whatever issue you face. Call me; I’d love to support you on your journey.

Believing in You!

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