Discovering Purpose

by | Aug 12, 2021 | 0 comments

” Is that all there is?” was the voice that haunted me as I led a successful career in business. From the outside my life spoke success, yet the inside yearned for a more fulfilling life, I felt a call to a higher purpose; a call to serve in a different way. But I had no idea how.

As I refused to listen to the voice within, life had a way of making my decision by placing me in an uncomfortable circumstance to nudge me in the direction of my purpose. I was laid off from my job, and since I had already been having conversations with Spirit, I then decided to listen and go on a journey of discovery.

A year-long study in A Course in Miracles provided an even deeper connection with Spirit. One day, as I became impatient in my journey, I woke up and yelled at the skies “Today, I want to know what it is that you intend for me to do – what is my purpose?” Surely me asking with such determination led me to the answer that afternoon as I stumbled onto a podcast. The podcast host went through 5 questions and said, “If you answered, ‘yes’ to the questions, then you should consider being a life coach”. My response was to look up at the heavens once again, “Are you talking to me? “And then had a conversation with myself in which I chuckled while thinking “people actually get coached on how to live?” I had no idea of what the career was or did.

After researching it, I found that it fit like a glove. I fact, I had been coaching people all my life. People were drawn to me when seeking answers, and I had a passion for helping them achieve their goals and dreams. Within a week with the magic of serendipitous events, I was guided to the Brave thinking Institute as the coaching school. And again, it was a perfect fit to learn more about the Spiritual Laws I was already experimenting with within my life. It felt like a perfect dance with Spirit; my trust, belief, and expectation that I was on the right path drew stronger as I connected more deeply with Spirit. From that point forward, I have been following the signs, my intuition, and trusting that I am where I am supposed to be.

My trust and belief were strengthened when I was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent rigorous medical procedures while practicing the Spiritual Laws I teach as a coach. Throughout the journey, I knew there was a reason – a good, that even though I was not aware of at the time – I was walking with cancer. The path has been rigorous, and wondrous at the same time; I experienced the most spiritual time in my life. The journey opened a passion to teach people tools to move through illness, health, life’s circumstance, importance of mindset, trust in our higher power, belief in our oneness, Spiritual living, and how we are co-creators of our lives.

We are such powerful beings, yet we have been taught to live from the conditions, situations and circumstances.

I believe each one of us is being led to our purpose, we have ignored the signals, shut down the voice, and chosen to live in the conditions we see before us.

That is where life coaching comes along; it is not about teaching others how to live their lives but about helping them listen to their inner voice, follow their own path, and create the life they love living.

Have you felt a nudge to a different life?

Are you listening to Spirit and seeking guidance?

There are no coincidences if you are reading this blog – it is meant for you to reflect on your life and see what is emerging within.

Reflect on what Spirit is saying . . . Imagine the life you would love . . . Trust in your Source . . . Create the life you love

Thrive and love your life!

Find your answers . . .

Reflect on what Spirit is saying . . . Imagine the life you would love . . .

Trust in your Source . . . Create the life you love . . . Thrive and love your life!

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