Compensation as Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect and The Law of Compensation
Cause and effect are at play with everything we do; our thoughts, feelings, and actions cause a reaction – big or small. And it is tied to the spiritual law of compensation which provides us with what we have put forth.
In our human journey, we aspire for more, and if we want to receive what we desire we must take care of what we currently have. If you are desiring a bigger, more luxurious house then take care of the one you currently have, treat it as if it were the beautiful home of your dreams. If you are unhappy at work and would like to have a different, better job, then do your best in your current position. If you are wanting a more fulfilling relationship, then act as if you already enjoy that relationship. The law works slow and steady, so consistency and patience in your actions are necessary; it does not happen overnight.
We tend to look at events in our life from a lack mentality; thinking why I don’t have what I want. Instead, look at your life and bless the things that you have with gratitude in your heart. Have faith that there is plenty for everyone – we live in an abundant world – there is no competition for the assets. When someone else has what you want, you are happy for them, you are grateful for the possibility of receiving such compensation; if it’s possible for them, it’s also possible for you.
Compensation is based on what you have extended to another, a person who takes advantage of others or looks for the upper hand in situations is going against the law. In their mind, they think you’ve won, yet the law provides recompense for their attitude. The just reward may not be in the area that you are acting, but it will manifest in some way in their lives. In everything you do, there must be a “win, win” for you and the other person with whom you are transacting business. Proverbs 28:25 says, “He who is of a proud heart stirs up strife, but he who trusts in the Lord will be prospered”.
Personal Story
Ten years ago, my husband experienced a difficult time at work; his company was bought out and new management appeared to be pushing employees out regardless of how well a job was being performed.
Despite what he experienced, he continued to produce great work and have a good attitude with customers, peers, and management. It was not an easy time for him. He watched his peers jump ship or be fired, and those that stayed (including my husband) were looking for another job. At times they interviewed for the same positions, and several times he saw his peers get hired. He had faith things would work out for the best, and eventually, he interviewed with the company he currently is working for. The company is a great company, it provides a great environment, he has a supportive boss, and has peers that appreciate him. He has also grown in the company and by being promoted.
As he reflects on the situation, he sees how he was compensated for his actions of staying steadfast in his work and attitude. His ex-colleagues who were hired by the other companies are no longer at those companies; the positions were short-lived, and they continued to jump around from job to job or have left the industry. By him not despairing, not giving up, continuing to perform at a high standard, he was compensated with a new job where he now thrives. He believes it was God looking out for him, when he missed out on other positions, he was happy for his peers that were hired and disappointed in himself, but now he sees the bigger picture and is grateful.
Take a kind glance at your thoughts, feelings, and actions (without judgment) and see where you are not performing to the higher standard that you know you can. Or is there an area where are in competition with another? Take steps to make changes; start with your thoughts – know you are supported and live abundantly – and shift your thinking to WIN-WIN for all involved.
Trust, Create, and Thrive