
by | Jan 5, 2022 | 0 comments

The blank canvas of 2022 carries your dreams, desires, wishes, hopes, and intentions and to be. Use the magic of Abracadabra to create something beautiful with our year. You can shift patterns in your life that are not serving you in life.

Abracadabra is Hebrew for I WILL CREATE AS I SPEAK, and there is magic and power in the word. The magic of co-creating with Spirit by speaking uplifting, expansive, and words of praise. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” You are birthing something into being with the power of your words.

By saying “I can’t do this”, “This is too hard”, “I’m not good at this”, you are already speaking of defeat. When you are dreaming of a new life (career, love, health) and the voice in your head says, “I’m too old” “I’m not meant to. . .”, “It’s gonna cost too much”, you are declaring obstacles. A famous quote from Henry Ford says, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Your words show your attitude to create success or failure.

You have a blank canvas with the start of a new year, pay attention to your words. The smallest changes in your words will hugely impact the tone and energy of your life.


Commit to at least one of the following, even the smallest actions are steps in the right direction.
  • Hang a white canvas on a place you often visit (your desk, your bathroom, next to your bed). The white canvas is to remind you that each moment you are creating with your words, feelings, and actions. Choose empowering words.
  • What disempowering statements are you declaring? Instead of declaring defeat, claim success by forming the opposing positive thought. Make it into an affirmation, or a mantra to repeat as the disempowering thought arises. For example, if your thought is “I’m too old,” replace it with “I am capable, energetic, healthy, I can do this”
  • Notice the patterns of your speech – how often do you say “But, No, Only, Always, and Never?” These works are limiting, they prevent you from moving forward. As you hear yourself use these words, start using more empowering words. When you tell someone “You always, you never, I only” – how true is are these statements?
  • Practice integrity with your words. I love how Joyce Meyer states it “Your word is your honor. If you say you’re going to do something, then you need to do it.”

Thrust, Create, Thrive!

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