“Alice laughed. ‘There’s no use trying,’ she said. ‘One can’t believe impossible things.’  I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes, I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. There goes the shawl again!
― Lewis Carroll

It’s easy to think of the impossible:

Why is it easy to believe that things will go wrong versus trusting that things will work out?

Today, my son told me his summer school class will be hard. A colleague said getting things done over the 4th of July weekend will be tough. This morning, I thought, “Today will be a long day.” But then I changed my thinking and said, “I will flow through my day and work easily today.”

What about you? What negative thoughts are you declaring? Saying things won’t work out before they even start is defeating yourself.

Remember, our stories about what’s possible or difficult are only sometimes true. Just because something is true for one person doesn’t mean it’s true for everyone.

Sometimes we blame people or circumstances for what we’re going through. I used to let the issues in my first marriage affect my feelings about myself and the world. Now I realize how much time I wasted feeling sorry for myself.

It is better to believe. that it’s possible

What we think and believe sets the tone for what we will experience.

Amazing things can happen when we believe that life is on our side. Instead of waiting for things to improve, like our relationships or the economy, we can be the person we want to be now.

Realizing we have control over our thoughts can change our lives. Instead of waiting for others to change, we can change ourselves by changing our thinking.
We can choose to be happy without needing validation from others. We have the power to reach our full potential.

We don’t need permission from others to change our lives. We can take charge and create change on our own.

What steps can we take to transform our lives:

  • We pay attention to our thoughts and ask, “Is this true? For my son, predicting that a class will be difficult is based on what others believe, not necessarily what his experience can be. 
  • Example: If I had believed that my cancer journey would be debilitating and difficult. I would not have lived the different experience that I had. It was not a cakewalk, but it also was easier than the norm.
  • Often, we make up stories that can shape our destiny, even in the face of challenges.
  • Instead of reacting without thinking, we can choose how to respond.
  • Every experience, even difficult ones, teaches us something. We can learn and grow from them.
  • We have unlimited potential inside us. We can achieve great things when we tap into it, no matter our situation.

We have the power to live exceptional lives.

I experienced a big transformation when I embraced these ideas. Sharing them with you today can also make a positive difference in your life.

Allow yourself to discover what is possible in your life. Join us at our next event, check out the events page, and register.

The beauty of changing our thinking lies in the power to direct our minds. We can shape our perspective by becoming aware of negative thoughts and redirecting them towards positivity. With increased awareness, we can detect when and where our thinking shifts.

Believe in positive outcomes, trust your capabilities, and take charge of your life. With a shift in thinking, you can overcome obstacles, embrace growth, and create a brighter future. Believe in the possibility of success, and it will become your reality.

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